Chapter 945 Detained

It turned out that Concubine Sheng, who was rumored to be very favored by the outside world, always called herself a slave in front of the emperor, and she was never a noble concubine Sheng, just a maidservant.


Lu Yu dressed up as Yue Rujing and entered the palace. Yue Rujing was looking for the eldest prince who had just returned to the palace. Due to the relationship between the first prince's previous status and Yue Rujing's relationship, they naturally would not stop him and took him directly. He entered the Zhongcui Palace where Jin Zijin lived.

Lu Yu followed a eunuch in a well-behaved manner, and when he saw Jin Zijin, he also bowed in a well-behaved manner.

Jin Zijin frowned and told the palace people to go out.

He stood up and looked at him, and said lightly, "Lu Yu?"

Lu Yu suddenly felt that it was meaningless, and said, "You recognized me so soon? Is my disguise technique getting worse?"

Jin Zijin said: "Ah Jing and I grew up together, and I am very familiar with his every move. He will never be as well-behaved as you are. In this world, I can't even see how easy it is. , besides you Lu Yu, there is your mother Lu Tong, but your mother Lu Tong is not in Zhuzhao Kingdom, so it can only be you."

Lu Yu said with a sneer: "So it's because my disguise technique is so good that you recognized me? Well, since you recognized me, I don't have anything to pretend to be. I'll just get down to business."

"Well, sit down!"

Jin Zijin graciously asked him to sit down, and Lu Yu was not restrained. They have known each other for more than twenty years, and they have known each other since childhood.

"As for me, I was chased by your father recently and there was really no place to hide, so I sneaked into Lin's mansion and became a maid, the maid next to your little lady. She said she hasn't seen you for a long time, and she misses you very much. She can't come by herself , let me help her see you."

Jin Zijin: "..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jin Zijin as if he had something to do, and said: "You look rosy and put on a little weight. I think you will live a good life. Okay, I'll take care of it, and go back to your little lady. "

He got up and patted his clothes, but heard a elongated eunuch's voice.

"The Emperor is coming..."

Lu Yu staggered, and hurriedly supported the back of the chair.

Now he didn't leave, and he didn't leave, he froze on the spot, signaling Jin Zijin with his eyes to find a way for him.

Jin Zijin only gave him a self-seeking look, and got up to meet him.


"Be flat!"

Entering Zhongcui Palace, seeing the embarrassing Yue Rujing, the emperor froze for a moment.

"A Jing happened to be here too?"

Lu Yu said: "Looking for Senior Brother, I have something to do."

"En." The emperor nodded slightly, and asked, "Has there been any news about the Celestial Master recently?"

"For now...not yet." Lu Yu replied after looking at Jin Zijin.

The emperor's eyes darkened, he thought this month Rujing was very strange.

With Yue Rujing's temperament, how could she speak so awkwardly?As if you've done something wrong.

He smiled, and said to Eunuch Wan: "Wan Decheng, take Prince Yue to the side hall to rest first, I have important matters to discuss with the First Prince."

Lu Yu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is no need, I... have finished what I want to say, I will go back to Sanqing Temple."

The emperor motioned to Eunuch Wan to stop him.

Eunuch Wan has been with the emperor for many years, so he naturally understands what the emperor's eyes mean.Since the emperor wanted to keep him, how could he let him run away.

Immediately said: "Yue Shizi, please go ahead, the plum blossoms in front are blooming, it is very gratifying, this old slave will take you to enjoy the flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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