Chapter 950 Open a dim sum shop

"If you want to eat it often, you can learn it yourself. Last time you were drunk and didn't have a chance to teach you. This time I will teach you!"

"Forget it, I can't learn, I'm only responsible for eating."

Gu Youyou didn't force it, Circe went to Splendid City, and Lu Yu hadn't come back from the palace yet, since he had nothing to do, Gu Youyou made a snack for Lin Qianqing.

Firstly, it was to feed her little greedy cat, and secondly, she felt that it was time for the dim sum shop to open.

In the past two years, Jishengtang's concoctions have monopolized the entire Zhuzhao country, and there are also many businesses in other countries. Manxiulou's clothes are even more popular in the upper class, and a lot of money is deposited into the account every month. When the dim sum shop opens, it is time to plan to open a bank account, so that it is convenient to deposit and withdraw money.

She made ten copies this time, which was just right.

I sent one to the old lady's house, another to Mrs. Lin, and left one to Lin Xingyi. Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing each ate one, and Gu Youyou gave another to Circe and Lu Yu. Keep one copy, Xiang Toon will get one, and Lin Qianqing will take the other two back to Prince Jin's mansion to share with her husband.

This ancient woman, there is nothing she can do, her life will be easier when the man is happy.

Earlier, I heard that Lin Qianqing had been in a cold war with King Jin, and taking advantage of the recent easing of relations, she added more fire.

"I remember that girl Qin Yun likes to eat, but it's a pity that she can't come to the Lin residence anytime like before."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "You still miss her, so send these two copies of yours to her, and let her borrow flowers to present Buddha."

Thinking of meeting Xie Qinyun at the family banquet last time, she smiled faintly.

"Where does she need to borrow flowers to present Buddha? I think the King of Qin is very fond of her. The last family banquet in the palace was originally only for the concubine to take, but the concubine didn't see her, so Qin Yun went with the king of Qin." .”

"Oh? Really? Then she really wants to be the favorite concubine, and she thinks she will live a good life."

Lin Qianqing nodded, and said, "Her status is no lower than Princess Qin's. She is very unconvinced when she becomes a side concubine. I don't know how many times a day she has to curse that Miss Du Er. She said it was Concubine Sheng because she felt that Xie's backyard It's too messy here, that's why I despise her."

Miss Du Er, Aunt Du who used to live in Xie's back house, this person is about to fade out of their memory.

Miss Du is a caring person. Since she has brought Aunt Du back, she will definitely ensure that she will live the rest of her life without worrying about food and clothing.

"Ah, by the way, Jin Zijin is actually the eldest prince, did you know about this before?"

Gu Youyou didn't speak, just looked at her and asked, "Did you see him?"

"Yes, at the family banquet." Lin Qianqing said: "The queen mother proposed to choose a concubine for him, and he agreed. I thought you... oh, forget it, just watch."

Gu Youyou's expression moved slightly, and she bit her lip lightly.

Since he agreed, has he already arranged it?

"Ah, what smells so good?" Lu Yu came back, and before entering the door, he smelled a sweet fragrance.

Gu Youyou put away her thoughts and looked at Lu Yu, and asked him later.

Lin Qianqing didn't recognize Lu Yu, and asked, "Who is this girl?" She felt that there shouldn't be such an unruly maid in the house, and her mother, Mrs. Lin, was not just a show, so she didn't shoot this unruly maid to death?
Gu Youyou said: "This is a new maid I bought recently, and I haven't come here to learn the rules in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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