It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 951 Several joys and sorrows

Chapter 951 Several joys and sorrows

Lin Qianqing looked at him with a sullen face, and said, "No wonder, she went straight into the master's room without knocking on the door. Cousin, throw this girl to my mother, and I'm sure I'll train you to be obedient in three days."

Gu Youyou couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said, "Okay, I'll send it over tomorrow."

Lu Yu was very clever. When Lin Qianqing reprimanded him, she stood aside obediently and did not speak, otherwise Gu Youyou was really afraid that he would give a few words that would give him away.

Lin Qianqing didn't bother with the unruly maid, put on her cloak, and prepared to leave with the food box.

"I have to go back today. When the weather clears up, I'll hold a flower viewing party. Cousin, you can come too."

"Okay, I'll go if you send me an invitation card, but the premise is that your mother will let you go." Gu Youyou smiled.

"Don't worry, she won't let go of the post from Prince Jin's Mansion."

There is a policy above and there is a countermeasure, that is to use Jin Wangfu to suppress her, both of them laughed.


After sending Lin Qianqing out of the house, Gu Youyou hurriedly returned to her yard.

"How's it going?"

Lu Yu only said that he had a good meal today, he ate a big meal at Jin Zijin's place at noon, and there was Gu Youyou's snacks to eat when he came back, he didn't want to leave these days.

He said: "He is very good, he is served by a special person, he eats fish and meat every day, and his face is full of oil."

Thinking of the words "big fish, big fish with oily face", Gu Youyou couldn't help but feel chills.She turned dark, grabbed the cake in front of Lu Yu, and said angrily: "Speak up, did he ask you to bring me a message?"

Lu Yu swallowed the food in his mouth, fixed his eyes on the thing in Gu Youyou's hand, and said, "Yes, he said that there will be good news soon, so you should be prepared, don't worry about him."

Good news?Gu Youyou remembered what Lin Qianqing said just now, and she almost guessed it. She raised the corners of her mouth happily, and asked, "What good news?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "I didn't say that, anyway, you will know when the time comes."

Lu Yu didn't tell Gu Youyou that he no longer had to hide, so he continued to pretend to be a maid and live a lazy life in her yard.

Soon the Imperial List will be posted, and the Empress Dowager will personally choose a concubine for the newly returned eldest prince.Anyone who is a marriageable woman with an innocent family background and thinks she has outstanding talents and looks can sign up to participate. When such a condition is posted, the whole city explodes.

Does that mean that civilians also have a chance?

Not only the capital city, but also the nearby cities who got the news, as long as they could catch up, they all rushed to the capital city to apply for the crown prince concubine.

How long has it been since the emperor announced that the eldest princess is a fake, and the real eldest prince returns, and then immediately announced to the world that he will choose a concubine for the eldest prince? Is it still such a condition?Regarding the sudden emergence of the eldest prince, it naturally became the topic of conversation after dinner.

Everyone was beaming, except for the fake eldest princess.

Most of her loyal servants were detained in the palace, and the few who stayed in the general's mansion, since they knew that she was not the real princess, their attitudes towards her were naturally different.

Today's Jin Fengzhao hasn't had breakfast yet, and seeing that it's already noon, she is so hungry that her stomach growls.

She picked up a vase and wanted to smash it out. After thinking about it, she didn't have a lot of money to buy again after smashing it, so she hurriedly put the vase down and stretched her hand back.

"Is everyone itchy? I'm hungry, let's have lunch."

(End of this chapter)

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