It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 953 Jin Fengzhao's End

Chapter 953 Jin Fengzhao's End
"Jin Fengzhao, you dare to look for me? Why do you dare to hit me, you bastard bitch who came out of nowhere, I'm going to fight you."

Thus, Jin Fengzhao and Aunt Xu wrestled together.

The maids and women panicked when they saw this, and rushed forward to pull the two of them away, until a majestic male voice came from behind.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Jinfei was twenty-seven and had already grown a light beard.

Slightly dark skin, resolute facial features, and tall stature, one can tell at a glance that he is a person who has been on the battlefield for many years.

The two stopped fighting, and Aunt Xu burst into tears immediately.

"General, she hit me."

"Little bitch, don't ask the wicked to sue first, Jin Fei, this little bitch doesn't take me seriously, and even scolds me."

"I don't have one." Aunt Xu cried to Xiao Jinfei: "General, this concubine is just reminding Madam that I am no longer a princess, and I can't always call myself what I am. If it is spread, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor, but...but Madam beat me with a stick without saying a word."

"You..." Jin Fengzhao was on the verge of falling, stared at Aunt Xu, and said, "I'm not in your business."

"Shut up." Xiao Jinfei said sharply, "Mr. Xu is right, you'd better find out who you are."

After all, he helped Aunt Xu up.

"My identity?" Jin Fengzhao muttered to himself, almost unable to stand still.

Seeing the triumphant smile on Aunt Xu's face, she was so angry that she almost fainted.

She pointed at the man and yelled sharply: "Xiao Jinfei, you are just a vain person. You married me when I was the eldest princess, and you have the military rank you have today. Now that I am not, you will Abandon me like a shoe, you have no conscience..."

"Conscience?" Xiao Jinfei looked at her indifferently, and said, "You raise your conscience with me? Do you want me to remind you, how did you get married back then?"

Jin Fengzhao's face paled, and he took a step back.

Xiao Jinfei let go of Aunt Xu and took two steps forward.

He looked at her eyes full of unresolved hatred.

"You are four years older than me. In order to force me to marry you, you went to the emperor and asked for the imperial decree of marriage, which made me marry a wife at the age of 12. I rode on horseback to the palace to welcome you. Everyone in the capital stood The roadside laughed at me, and this is the shame of my life."

He still remembered the low laughter of the surrounding crowd.

He was only 12 years old that year, and he was wearing a festive groom's suit to marry the princess. Everyone was joking that he didn't know how to bridal chamber...

This kind of shame has followed him for more than ten years.

But for the sake of the Xiao family and Jin Zijin, he endured it all.

What do they royally want to do now?She already knew it was a fake, why didn't she just execute her and send her back to him for what?Keep humiliating him?

Xiao Jinfei's poisonous snake eyes made Jin Fengzhao a little scared, she said: "I remember you liked to play with me when you were young."

When he was a child, he didn't know that this cousin was a fake. He thought it was very pitiful that the cousin had lost her mother since she was a child, and was always bullied by her stepmother in the palace.

But later, her arrogance was gradually revealed, and the queen could not bully her at all.In addition, he knew that this was not the real cousin, so he hated her more and more.

He only felt disgusted when he talked about the past with her.

Xiao Jinfei snorted coldly, and said lightly: "Jin Fengzhao's wife's morality has been lost, she is arrogant and domineering, and has a perverse and domineering personality. She is really not worthy of being the wife of this general. From now on, she will be reduced to a lowly concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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