Chapter 954
She was expelled from the Royal Zong family, so it was convenient to deal with it.

Aunt Xu laughed from ear to ear, Jin Fengzhao's eyes widened and his head was buzzing.

Concubine, or concubine?

She couldn't accept this fact and finally passed out.

Xiao Jinfei only asked people to carry her into the hospital, and then took Aunt Xu away.

Aunt Xu was overjoyed, and took this opportunity to say to Xiao Jinfei: "General, I heard that the eldest prince doesn't care about his birth when he chooses his concubine. My concubine's younger sister is an outstandingly talented woman, so she also signed up. The family asked my concubine to ask the general about it. What kind of woman does His Royal Highness like?"

Xiao Jinfei's expression changed instantly, he stared at Aunt Xu, and said coldly: "Don't be smart, you won't get any benefit from this general."


The news about the imperial list reached Gu Youyou, and she understood Jin Zijin's good intentions.

At the same time, Mrs. Lin also understood very well, but this morning the queen sent someone to send a message, telling her to keep a close watch on Gu Youyou and not allow her to go out.

As a last resort, she could only find Lin Xingyi to discuss.

"What do you think we should do about this matter? The eldest prince obviously did this for Yoyo, but if Yoyo doesn't go, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"What did the queen tell you?" Lin Xingyi asked with a frown.

Mrs. Lin sighed: "What's the point? With her personality, she will definitely not let the eldest prince get what he wants. She told me to take care of Yoyo, and I must not let her go out. Do you think I should watch or not? "

Lin Xingyi's face was sullen, and he didn't speak for a while.

This is indeed a difficult problem. It is not the time for them to tear themselves apart with the queen. If she knows that they have two hearts, then that girl Qian Qing will be in danger.

"Well, you just disclose this matter to Yoyo, and you don't care about the rest."

He felt that Gu Youyou must have his own way.

Gu Youyou's solution is naturally available. Jin Zijin must have spent a lot of effort to win such an opportunity, and let her, a commoner, have the opportunity to run for the election.

How can I hold him back, can I?
At night, Gu Youyou brought Circe and Lu Yu to discuss.

"It is said that you need to go in person to sign up. Yoyo, what are you going to do? Do you want me to poison the well water and knock down the whole mansion, so you can just go out."

"Bad idea." Gu Youyou said angrily, "I've already thought about it, it's just a little more troublesome."

Everyone looked at her, and Circe said, "Since you've already made up your mind, why do you let us discuss it?"

Gu Youyou said: "It requires the cooperation of the three of us, so I called the two of you without telling anyone."

Candles were lit inside the house, while Xiang Toon and Yinshuang stood guard outside.

Miss Biao said that no one would be allowed in. I don't know what they were talking about in the room.

Gu Youyou said: "Tomorrow morning, Lu Yu will help me put on makeup and make it look like Circe. And Circe will be painted like me and sit at home. The two of us will go to Jishengtang to change the makeup before going to sign up. That's it. Don't deliberately hide it, it's a step down for my uncle and aunt."

Gu Youyou is not a fool, she actually knows everything.

The fact that what she wanted to know could be passed on without restricting the freedom of other people in her courtyard was the way her uncle secretly paved the way for her.

This is enough.

The next day, Lu Yu went out with Gu Youyou, who was dressed as Circe, and said they were going to exchange Jishengtang's account book for this month.

They used this method to get out of the mansion smoothly, and then went to Jishengtang to change their makeup back.

Gu Youyou finally arrived at the registration site.

(End of this chapter)

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