Chapter 955
The long queue frightened Gu Youyou quite a bit. Is it Jin Zijin's amazing charm, or the identity of the eldest prince?

In the past, he was a Taoist priest who didn't know how to marry a wife. At that time, his surroundings were very clean and there were no peach blossoms.

Now it seems that Gu Youyou has to learn one more skill, and that is chopping peach blossoms.

"The competition is fierce, Miss Gu, are you confident?"

Gu Youyou lined up here, and said to Lu Yu angrily: "Go ahead and have a look, what are you looking for?"

After a while Lu Yu came back and said: "Eighteen generations of ancestors have to ask clearly. The first test is the innocence of family background. There is no history of thieves or bandits in your family, right?"

"Of course not." Gu Youyou snorted, "Such a registration method is too laborious, how many people are needed?"

Lu Yu said: "It's only three days, not much. You see, there are quite a few people who are crooked, and not many who can pass the first test. I heard that if you want to enter the final final, you have to pass it." Kill six generals in three passes."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Not far behind Gu Youyou, two people stared at Gu Youyou with portraits.

"Is it her?"

"Very similar, it should be her."

"Your Majesty has a clever plan, hmph, she is indeed here, let's go!"

Gu Youyou heard it with the tips of her ears, and was startled suddenly.

She turned her head abruptly, only to see that the two were held down by the other two, and the four walked away with their shoulders linked.

What's happening here?
Seeing her strange expression, Lu Yu asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Youyou lowered her voice and said to him: "There are people who want to harm me, but there are also people who help me."

Perhaps Jin Zijin had figured out that something like this would happen, and had already arranged for someone to follow.

Really a false alarm.

I waited in line for more than an hour to get to her, so I was really afraid that something might happen.

Of course, as long as the name is reported, she can rest assured. With the official post, she can come out in a fair manner.

"Here, fill in this form." Gu Youyou went, and the other party handed her a form to write on.

This list was born by Cha.

Name, age, place of birth, parents' names, grandfather, whatever.

Looking at the list, Gu Youyou understood why many people passed the first level. There are not many women who can write in this era, isn't it?The plainly dressed woman in the back was at a loss with this list.

Therefore, the women who can stay in the end are all women whose family conditions are not bad.

Gu Youyou finished writing and handed it over to the interviewer in front of her. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, it was just that she was a little older.

He asked: "23?"

Gu Youyou nodded slightly.

"You're 23 and you're not married yet? You don't have any hidden illnesses, do you?" The interviewer looked incredible.

Gu Youyou said lightly: "Don't worry about this, I am a doctor myself, and I opened the Jishengtang opposite."

"Oh, Gu Youyou?" The interviewer was even more surprised, "You are Doctor Gu?"

Gu Youyou nodded slightly embarrassed.

The person opposite had a strange expression on his face. He thought that Dr. Gu was an ordinary figure in legends, and he was not usually seen. She didn't treat anything that wasn't a serious illness, and ordinary people couldn't enter the gate of the Lin Mansion.

So everyone passed on the legendary Dr. Gu's amazing skills.

But she... unexpectedly also participated in the selection of the first princess?

"Is it okay?" Gu Youyou reminded him seeing that the person opposite was in a trance.

"Yes... yes." The interview examiner hurriedly responded, and then personally gave Gu Youyou an official post.

(End of this chapter)

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