Chapter 956: Madam Li is mad

Back at Lin's mansion, Circe was sunken, sitting on the ground carelessly like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, while Mrs. Lin sat on the chair above her, her heart heaving violently with anger.Beside her, stood a nanny in the palace. This nanny was no stranger to her, and she was the Empress' most trusted Nanny Li.

This was what Gu Youyou expected, and she always had to put on a show so that her aunt could do business with the queen.

"Auntie!" She dressed up as Circe and knelt beside Circe.

At this time, Gu Youyou was no different from Serxi who was beside her.

Mrs. Lin couldn't see her like this, so she asked someone to fetch her a basin of water to wash off all the makeup on her face.

With such a superb disguise technique, Mrs. Lin and the nuns standing behind her were shocked.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Lin asked, patting the armrest of the chair.

Gu Youyou said righteously: "There is an imperial list in the city, and the eldest prince chooses a concubine. I am not too young at this age. I can't let my uncle and aunt take care of me, so I plan to marry myself off."

"Hmph, you are very big-hearted. With you like this, you still want to marry into the royal family, marry the eldest prince?"

Gu Youyou said lightly: "I didn't dare to think about it before, but now..." She smiled, and continued: "I heard that all the daughters of the Baozi shop next to Jishengtang have gone. I still run a medicine shop anyway, why can't I open it?" go?"

The servants around couldn't help laughing.

Over there, Nanny Li in the palace had an ugly expression on her face and snorted, "Isn't Doctor Gu suffering from a hidden illness? Besides, you are too old, and those who register are all girls in their fifteenth or sixteenth year." , I heard that Dr. Gu is 23."

Gu Youyou thought in her heart: The news spread really fast, I just went back to Jishengtang and changed my makeup, and found out everything.

Gu Youyou replied: "I used to have a hidden disease. Fortunately, I am a doctor and my medical skills are not bad, so my disease has been cured, and I will not die. Second, it is because I am not young that I am not young. I want to try to fight for an eldest prince concubine. At my age, I really can't fight those fifteen or sixteen-year-old young masters. I heard that the elder prince is not young anymore. I think it is quite suitable of."

Circe on the side laughed happily at her thick skin.

The faces of Mrs. Lin above and the nuns in the palace turned blue and white, which was really ugly.

Seeing that there was nowhere to vent their anger, Circe smiled, and they immediately turned their attention to Circe.

"This lowly servant girl dares to pretend to be a young lady. Come on, I must sell her."

"Hey, wait a minute." Circe raised her chin and said, "Mrs. Lin, I think you may have made a mistake. I am not a maid in your Lin's mansion. I am a pharmacist invited by Gu Youyou. Without me, she The medicine to cure the disease has not been developed so quickly. How about you, if you can't sell me, you have to pay me a hard fee before I leave. "

"What?" Mrs. Lin stood up excitedly, is the dead girl trying to blackmail her?
He Xiang, the maid next to her, reminded her: "Madam, Miss Circe is indeed not a maid in our house, she is a doctor who treats Miss Cousin together."

Mrs. Lin: "..." She glanced at the nanny, and the nanny's eyes almost popped out.

What are the things in the Lin Mansion?

Mrs. Lin said: "Such a person can no longer stay in Lin's mansion, let me drive her out."

"Hey, consultation fee, I won't leave without consultation fee."

(End of this chapter)

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