Chapter 960
Gu Youyou lowered her eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Last year, Youyou went to Fusang City in Dongzhou once, and saw and knew the Second Young Master. He was a guard guarding the city in Fusang City."

Xie Huanzhi's face darkened, his body shook slightly, and then he cupped his hands to Gu Youyou, "Thank you, Doctor Gu, for telling me."

Gu Youyou said again: "Fusang City is not hot in summer, and not cold in winter. Being a soldier guarding the city is not as hard as the capital. With the Eldest Young Master taking care of it, it won't be too hard."

Xie Huanzhi nodded slightly, turned and left.

Only this time, he looked even more arched.

Xiang Toon asked Gu Youyou curiously: "Miss Biao, when did you go to Fusang City last year?"

Gu Youyou said: "It's none of your business, let's go, go back."


Just like seeing off Lin Qianqing back then, Gu Youyou boarded the carriage into the palace.

What Gu Youyou didn't expect was that even though many people were kicked in the first level, there were still hundreds of competitors.

This is really...

There are so many little girls robbing her of her husband.

Gu Youyou: "..."

What made her even more unexpected was that the first step in entering the palace was a physical examination?Isn't it the reason why the emperor chooses his concubine?Could it be that she remembered wrongly?

It turned out that what Jin Zijin said was true. He might have calculated today's situation at that time, or in other words, he had already decided to play this move.So I would rather masturbate myself in bed than hold back.

It's really not easy to marry a woman with no status and background. In this evil feudal society, it is even more difficult for her than Cinderella.

The aunt in charge came out to lecture.

"That's why women who step into this palace gate have to go through this test. Whether they are a noble queen or an ordinary court lady, they must be clean when entering this front gate."

After this test, several girls were expelled.

The aunt in charge didn't have a good look at these crying girls, and said: "Dare to come after being broken? You're too embarrassed to cry. Come here, drive them all out."

"Auntie, I am wronged..."

"Yes, aunt, I don't have one. How can I behave like this?"

In fact, Gu Youyou knew that not every girl kept that thing before they got married, and it broke with a slightly bigger movement or some accident.

She is a doctor and knows more about this aspect than others. Perhaps some of these girls really fished in troubled waters, but some were wronged.

However, she only expressed regret for these girls, and did not speak for them.

It's just that if they are kicked out for this reason, it will be troublesome for them to marry in the future.

The aunt in charge is not surprised, because every time she checks out a lot of such women.

Those who passed the physical examination were assigned to the Chuxiu Palace. Because there were too many people, they usually lived in a room with four or five people, and the beds were next to each other. Fortunately, it was not a Datong bunk.

As soon as Xiang Toon made Gu Youyou's bed, a little maid came to talk to her.

"Which family does your lady belong to? She looks quite old."

Gu Youyou's eyebrows and eyes are wide open in her twenties, and she is indeed different from those fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls who are still children.

Xiang Toon pursed his lips, and said: "The eldest prince is not young anymore, he has to be older to be worthy, do you have something to say to these hairy girls?"

The voices of both of them were very low, except for themselves, only Gu Youyou could hear them.

(End of this chapter)

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