Chapter 961 Recognized
Fortunately, otherwise Xiang Toon's words would have stabbed a hornet's nest.

The little girl's face turned pale and red, and hummed: "Your young lady must be an old girl who can't get married."

"Hey, what are you talking about, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Xiang Toon made a gesture to hit someone, and her voice became much louder, and other people's attention was attracted by her.

Gu Youyou hurriedly greeted Xiang Toon back.

"Xiang Toon, come here."

Xiang Toon grunted and spared the little maid, and asked, "Miss Biao, what else can I order?"

Gu Youyou said: "Let's tidy up our things, it's crowded when we live together, so throwing them here will take up space."

Over there, the little maid whispered what Xiang Toon said just now to her young lady. The young lady looked at Gu Youyou thoughtfully, and after a while she was surprised: "You are Dr. Gu, right?"

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and said, "You must be Miss Zhang."

She seemed even more surprised, and said, "How did Doctor Gu recognize it?"

Gu Youyou motioned her to look at the handkerchief.

Sure enough, she held a delicately embroidered handkerchief in her hand, on which was embroidered a beautiful Zhang character.

Miss Zhang laughed and said, "Doctor Gu is really meticulous."

Although not all of the people here have met Gu Youyou, the name of Dr. Gu in Jishengtang is very famous. Once they hear about Dr. Gu, everyone knows it.

In normal times, everyone might rush forward to seek a relationship with her, but in this case, since everyone is a competitor, let's forget it.

Only whispers.

"I didn't expect Doctor Gu to come too."

"Yeah, I heard that Dr. Gu is in her 20s and doesn't have a husband's family. I thought that a person like Dr. Gu would focus on practicing medicine and treating diseases and would not marry. I didn't expect her to have such a big heart."

Facing these discussions, Gu Youyou smiled.

Ninth Princess Jin Liuying heard that Gu Youyou had come to the palace, so she ran here that day.

"Master, Master, are you going to be my sister-in-law?" The ten-year-old Princess Jiu is still a child at heart.

Gu Youyou didn't answer her question, no matter how she answered this kind of question, it would be cruel.As a non-peer of other girls, she is already abrupt enough, and she doesn't want to be more special.

She bent down and gently hooked Princess Jiu's nose, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, why are you running here? Come, let Master see if you have grown taller."

Gu Youyou hadn't seen Princess Jiu for a long time, so she pulled her to compare in front of her, then raised her hand to compare her height, and said, "You've grown so much taller."

In a year or two, she will enter the golden period of girl's spring development, and it will only be a year or two for her innocence.

"Really? I've grown so much, why can't I see it?" Princess Nine said happily.

Gu Youyou said: "After you return to Liuying Temple, engrave your current height on the wall, and compare it after a while, and you will know."

At this time, her court lady hurried over and was relieved to see that Jin Liuying was safe and sound.

"Ninth Princess, why did you come here? Let the slaves find it easier."

Jin Liuying put away her smile and said to Gu Youyou: "Master, I have to go back and come to see you when I have time. If you need anything, please send someone to find me."

"Well, let's go!" Gu Youyou said with a faint smile.

When the roommates saw that the princess came to look for Gu Youyou and called her Master, they were all envious.

(End of this chapter)

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