Chapter 962 Bickering
Ms. Zhang moved up to Gu Youyou and asked in a low voice: "Doctor Gu, I heard that you have excellent medical skills. You once healed the queen mother's leg, and you were lucky enough to accept the ninth princess as your apprentice. So it's true."

The other women became uneasy.

Gu Youyou is the princess' master and the queen mother's benefactor. Is there any role for them?

Therefore, looking at Gu Youyou's eyes, each one was full of hostility.

With these few words, Gu Youyou couldn't help but look at Miss Zhang more.

A casual sentence made her a target of public criticism!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I only choose one, not a bunch. After a few days, everyone will return to the bridge and return to the road, so how can they remember who is who?

She, Gu Youyou, is over 30 years old combined in her two lifetimes, so she doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as these fifteen or sixteen little girls.

"Well, yes." Gu Youyou said.

After she finished speaking, she left humming a song, making the girls' teeth itch with anger.

The first topic given to them above was a piece of female red with the theme of spring flowers.In three days, you can go to the stewards of the Shang Palace Bureau to get what you need.

In this day and age, no matter if it is a poor family or a rich family, they all pay attention to the handicraft of women's celebrity. If they are not good at it, they will be seriously despised.

When everyone hears this topic, they probably think of getting the most exquisite silk thread to embroider an embroidery that symbolizes spring. This is the simplest and easiest way to shine.

But embroidery is even more difficult for Gu Youyou, she doesn't know how to embroider.

The roommates happily brought back the silk handkerchiefs, and Gu Youyou was still sitting on the desk writing and drawing.

A little girl who didn't know how to play came up to tease her, "Doctor Gu, we are comparing female celebrities, not prescribing prescriptions."

As soon as this remark came out, the other roommates were amused.

Xiang Toon was so angry that he jumped, and said angrily: "What are you doing, you want to make trouble, don't you?"

Gu Youyou hurriedly held her down and said, "We are comparing skills, not bickering."

While talking about Xiang Toon, he also choked the talkative little girl back.

The little girl was so angry that her face turned red and then pale, and her maid hurriedly persuaded her, saying: "Miss, three days is not much time, we don't know her as well, so hurry up and embroider."

What Gu Youyou held in her hand was the size of the Nine Princesses.It is impossible for her to embroider, but female red refers not only to embroidery, weaving, starch dyeing, sewing, embroidery, weaving, cutting flowers, face flowers...etc., are all called female reds.

It's just that the conditions are limited now. For these girls, embroidery is the easiest, most skilled job, and it doesn't waste time.

And Gu Youyou, naturally had to choose the best one to do it.

With spring flowers as the theme?Perfect for making a flower fairy dress, and at this point, she's figuring out the measurements and the size of the flowers.

It took a total of three days. Gu Youyou spent one day calculating the materials, and when it was getting dark, she hurried to ask for the materials with the toon.

This palace is no different than others. It is not easy for the girls of Chuxiu Palace who have no status to get good materials. People will always find reasons to make things difficult for them, especially Gu Youyou, who only came here when the door was about to close.

"Who will get it for you at this time? Don't look at the time, come back tomorrow." The maid's attitude was very arrogant.

Gu Youyou was not annoyed, and said, "A few aunts, please do me a favor." Naturally, she didn't let them do it for nothing, and it was to her advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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