Chapter 969

The emperor waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He took the copybook sent by Wan Decheng and said to the ministers: "Just now, ten women with outstanding talents and looks have been selected from the harem. The three best ones will be selected as the top three candidates."

After all, let the eunuch lay out the ten copybooks one by one, and let the ministers taste them one by one.

The carefully selected ten words are all written well, but two of them are very eye-catching.

Mr. Xie immediately picked up one of them, and said to the ministers: "This is a good one. The brush strokes are magnificent and majestic, not inferior to a man's spirit, but it has a soft stroke that men don't have. A woman can write such characters. It’s really rare, judging by this gesture, it takes at least 20 years.”

20 years? Wasn't it the one who was not married at the age of 20 and was shortlisted?Many people understood it on the spot.

It's just that the niece of Mr. Lin's family is really not simple, she has excellent medical skills, and she can even spell words so well.

There is no suspense for her words to be in the top three.

Some people have already begun to congratulate Mr. Lin implicitly.

This is the first time Lin Xingyi has seen Gu Youyou's handwriting. Compared with men who are generally accomplished in calligraphy, this kind of handwriting is not bad. Only famous calligraphers can compare with it.

But he didn't want to, Yoyo actually has such abilities?

The emperor took the words, and said: "The five grains will be plentiful, and the purpose is for the people's livelihood, not bad, not bad."

Then came the second one, "Guotai Min'an, Your Majesty, look at this, it is also a rare good word."

However, Prime Minister Zhang knew that this word was written by her second daughter, but it was difficult for him to take it out, but the words were obvious, so he was not afraid that others would not take it out.

Although my daughter's handwriting is not bad, it is still too far behind the four words of "five grains and prosperity" just now. It is at the master level, and this is at the apprentice level. At most, she can be considered an excellent apprentice.

He couldn't help frowning, it seemed that he had met a strong enemy this time.

Prime Minister Zhang raised his eyes and met Lin Xingyi, and he snorted coldly in anger.

Last time his eldest daughter lost to Lin Xingyi's daughter and became a side concubine, but this time the second daughter will lose to her niece again?
He is just these two prostitutes who can do it.

This Lin Xingyi was against him from top to bottom, it was really a mismatch.

The emperor took the sticker and nodded with a smile: "The country is peaceful and the people are safe, and it is in Sheji."

The rest didn't stand out, so everyone picked a picture with a good meaning.

"The emperor looks at this picture."

The emperor took a look, nodded and said: "It's not bad to be upright and bright. Well, since they were selected by the ministers, let's take these few. Wan Decheng, send them in person."

Concubine Sheng got the copybook and read it out in person.

"First place, Chen Qinglian."

A tall woman stood up happily and went to Concubine Sheng to get the small badge for being shortlisted.

This girl was not outstanding before and did not attract the attention of others. The queen whispered to Nanny Li: "Go and find out who this girl is!"

"Yes, the Queen Mother."

"Second place, Zhang Shiyu."

Miss Zhang got up gracefully and walked towards Concubine Sheng.

The queen laughed with satisfaction. Prime Minister Zhang had the same nostrils as the Duke's Mansion. They were clear about many things that could not be explained to outsiders, and they also knew who to support so that the two families could continue to prosper.Mrs. Zhang is already unhappy because of the former concubine of Jin Wang.Madam Zhang must not be disappointed this time!

 Why is Yoyo in third place?Because the one selected first is suppressed below, so don't think that the third place is No.3,

(End of this chapter)

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