Chapter 970

"The third place, Gu Youyou!"

The queen's expression darkened suddenly.

Gu Youyou?
She actually made the list?
Gu Youyou got up and walked towards Concubine Sheng. From two meters away, she could feel the killing intent emanating from the queen.

Gu Youyou sighed, people in this world are changing so fast, the last time she entered the palace and provoked Jin Fengzhao, it was the queen who rescued her.

She is afraid that her guts will be green now, if it weren't for that play, these things would not be happening now.

But did the queen really treat her well?

Of course not, she was just trying to keep her status. If she knew from the beginning that Gu Youyou would not be useful to her, and might become a threat, she would have died a thousand or eight hundred times.

So Gu Youyou doesn't need to feel guilty, her recommendation, Gu Youyou healed the Queen Mother's leg, and at the same time brought her the Queen Mother's trust.

"Okay, congratulations to the three of you. Let's end this day. You go back to Chuxiu Palace to rest. The next match will be up to me. I can't decide what to do. It's up to the emperor and the eldest prince."

Gu Youyou thought in his heart: So there is one more match at the end, maybe Jin Zijin will fight in person.

This is kind of interesting.


There were fewer people, and now I finally lived in a single room.

Gu Youyou hoped that Jin Zijin would climb the wall in the middle of the night to show her the truth, so that she would be prepared.

But he didn't want to wait and wait and he didn't come.

After three days of such silence, Eunuch Wan personally came to lead them to Zhongcui Palace.

It is said that Zhongcui Palace is the palace where the prince lived in the palace before he was a minor. Because Jin Zijin came back suddenly and there was no place for him to live, so he was allowed to live here temporarily.

"To Zhongcui Palace? Eunuch Wan, are we going to see His Highness the First Prince directly?" Miss Zhang asked in a low voice.

Eunuch Wan said in a low voice: "The miscellaneous family don't know, Miss Zhang will follow."

Although Eunuch Wan said he didn't know, Ms. Zhang knew for sure.

This is really, if I knew she would have dressed up, she didn't comb her hair well today.

But when she turned her head and saw that neither Gu Youyou nor Chen Qinglian had deliberately dressed up, she was relieved.

What was surprising was that not only Jin Zijin was there, but also the emperor, empress, empress dowager and concubine Sheng Gui were among them.

It was the first time Gu Youyou saw Jin Zijin dressed so well, except for the Orion clothes in Lianhua Village and the white Tianzong school uniform, he was able to dress so brightly.

That's right, it's Mingyan.

The orange-yellow robe was embroidered with exquisite python patterns and five-color cloud patterns. His own aura was as hot as the scorching sun. The robe was spacious, making him look a lot taller, as high as the sun.

The three women greeted the reigning emperor's family respectfully, and the queen mother smiled all over her face and asked them to stand up.

The eyes of Miss Zhang standing among them were shining brightly. She had seen the senior brothers of Tianzong and Xuanzong as early as when she was offering sacrifices to the Dragon King and Mother of Dragon. At that time, she felt that the senior brother of Tianzong was like a winter Every time he reached out to take the stick of incense in her hand, she could feel the hot temperature from his hand.

It's just that at that time she knew that Tianzong's eldest brother would be a national teacher in the future and would not marry a wife, so she blushed at most and didn't think about it.

But she never expected that in this life, she would have the opportunity to be his concubine, and be on par with her.

Thinking of those hot hands, she couldn't help but blush again.

(End of this chapter)

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