It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 978 The identity is different

Chapter 978 The identity is different
Gu Youyou was startled when she heard this, and thought to herself: Cousin, you gossip like this everywhere you go, you can inquire about these things clearly.

On that side, the wives were asking Xie Qinyun if she was pregnant with a boy or a girl.

"Concubine Xie, have you asked Dr. Gu if your stomach is a boy or a girl?"

Someone said: "How can you tell? You don't know until you give birth."

"I heard that a good doctor can tell it. Doctor Gu's medical skills are superb, so you can definitely tell it."

Xie Qinyun said happily: "My side concubine was going to ask Dr. Gu whether the child is a boy or a girl, but you interrupted me. Hey, Doctor Gu, is my belly a boy or a girl? Or two? Are they all boys?"

Gu Youyou didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and said angrily: "I can't feel the pulse, so wait until you are born."

It's really fatal, the more high-profile she is, the more ugly that Mrs. Fang Huang's face is. At this moment, she has already taken the maid out, trying to keep out of sight.

With Xie Qinyun's carefree personality, she is not afraid of being hurt by others.

Xie Qinyun was not unhappy when Gu Youyou said that she couldn't tell if there was a man or woman, she pulled Gu Youyou and said, "Now that the month is small, it's normal if you can't tell, I'll come to Doctor Gu for help when my belly gets bigger in the future. "

Gu Youyou said: "Don't, you won't be able to see it when you grow up, if you don't believe me, go to the imperial physician."

"Doctor Gu, don't be humble. If you can't do it, whoever can do it, you can do it." I don't know which wife is putting a high hat on Gu Youyou.

These words made Gu Youyou very depressed.

Someone said: "Dr. Gu's identity will be different next month, how can he help people feel their pulse?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

"That's right, Dr. Gu is the eldest concubine, and she will get married next month."

In their eyes, Gu Youyou is a doctor who is not easy to see in Jishengtang. The reputation of a genius doctor is much louder than that of the sudden empress, so people ignore her other identity for a while.

"Now I can still invite Dr. Gu for a pulse diagnosis, but it will be even more difficult to invite Dr. Gu next month when he becomes the eldest concubine."

"Oh, if that's the case... Doctor Gu, please check my pulse. I don't know what's wrong with me recently. I can't sleep well and feel dizzy..."

"And me, and my legs are sore..."

Surrounded by the wives and ladies, Gu Youyou's kindness was really hard to resist, and she was worried that others would think that she was going to be the eldest concubine, so she put on airs, so Lin Qianqing arranged for someone to set up a consultation table for her alone. Got a free doctor.

These wives and ladies are all the legitimate wives and daughters of ministers with status in the imperial court, and they may be helpful to him and Jin Zijin in the future.Just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha here at Lin Qianqing's place, I'm afraid something will happen to King Jin and Queen.

Now that Gu Youyou has already sat down to open a doctor's office, those who are sick or not, naturally have to go to Gu Youyou to take a look. Even if they are not sick, it's good to ask for a safe pulse, so that Dr. Gu can take a pulse. That was not easy.

"Madam Lu is here..."

Madam Lu suddenly froze the lively atmosphere.

Mrs. Lu hasn't appeared in the public eye for a year or two. I heard that she got a strange disease that made her look ugly. She didn't go out for a year or two, and she was locked up at home for treatment.

But unexpectedly, Princess Jin invited her here today.

Mrs. Lu glanced over everyone, and soon fell on Gu Youyou.

(End of this chapter)

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