Chapter 979 The Uninvited Guest

It was a scandal that her aunt harmed the head and mistress in her family, and the family scandal was not publicized. The Lu family kept this matter tightly covered, and it was rare that they did not reveal it.

"Doctor Gu, thanks to your medicine, I was able to cure this 'strange disease'."

Everyone stared blankly at Mrs. Ji, blinked, rubbed their eyes, and plucked their ears.

The person is still the person in front of me, but why has it changed so much?
Apart from her tall stature, she is obviously much softer.

She didn't continue to take those male hormone medicines, and she didn't have any excess hair growing back on her face. With the pampered living conditions, her skin became much more delicate.

It's mainly about the throat. I don't know if Gu Youyou's medicine has worked, or if she practiced it on purpose.

He couldn't hear the male duck's voice before, but a normal woman's voice.

The person in front of me... is really that Mrs. Lu from before?
Gu Youyou stood up, smiled at Madam Lu, "Congratulations to Madam Lu for recovering from her stubborn illness."

With Gu Youyou's approval, they had no choice but to believe that the woman in front of them was the former Mrs. Lu who was more masculine than a man.

Thinking about how many people laughed at Mr. Lu back then, saying that he had two fathers, now looking at Mrs. Lu, no one would laugh at him anymore.

"Doctor Gu is very skilled in medicine. Such a strange disease can be cured. I'm afraid that even the imperial doctor can't do anything about it."

Everyone praised Gu Youyou again. A person with real abilities, especially a doctor who can save lives, is always respected wherever he goes.

"Mrs. Zhang, Second Miss Zhang is here..." It was not until this voice sounded that the peaceful atmosphere in the flower hall was broken again.

The relationship between the Zhang family and the Lin family is not good now because the eldest daughter of the Lin family, Lin Qianqing, became the main concubine of King Jin, while the most honorable eldest daughter of the Zhang family became a side concubine, and was suppressed by Miss Lin.

Turning his face to the eldest prince to choose a concubine, the eldest prince personally chose Gu Youyou (in his opinion) who was inferior to the second lady of the Zhang family in every way, which made the Zhang family feel ashamed. Now I heard that Prime Minister Zhang specially picked Mrs. Lin in the court Ci'er, I got into a confrontation with Mr. Lin.

So what is the matter with Mrs. Zhang bringing her second daughter to the flower viewing banquet held by Princess Jin today?

After a while, I saw the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, Concubine Zhang, coming.

She first bowed to Lin Qianqing and said, "Sister Wangfei, I'm here to join in the fun, don't you mind?"

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "The garden is so big, you can go wherever you want, and I didn't tie you up with a rope, why don't you join in the fun?"

Although both of them had smiles on their faces, the tense atmosphere was frozen in the entire flower hall.

Everyone thought: This young lady of the Lin family is not easy to provoke, these few words are not polite.

Of course, it should be said.

Because the people Lin Qianqing invited, except for her close friends Xie Concubine and Dr. Gu, were all noble wives and concubines. Although Concubine Zhang was a concubine before, she is now a concubine. In other words, as long as Lin Qianqing didn't formally invite her, she was actually not qualified to participate in such a flower viewing party. In such a situation, she should hide in her room to avoid suspicion.

Concubine Zhang smiled upright, she didn't take Lin Qianqing's words to heart at all, and said with a light smile: "Looking at the flowers in the yard all day, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will get tired of looking at it." Time. The concubine came here because my mother and younger sister also came to participate in the flower appreciation banquet of the concubine's sister today, and thanks to the concubine's sister, the concubine can meet with her mother and sister."

(End of this chapter)

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