It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 983: He Can't Get Hard

Chapter 983: He Can't Get Hard

Lin Qianqing took this opportunity to stuff a piece of white cloth into King Jin's mouth.

Gu Youyou withdrew the needle, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said to the dying King Jin, "His Royal Highness, your disease has a fast onset and goes away quickly. Don't worry, just ask the girl to give you the needle three times and you'll be fine." Healed up. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, if it’s convenient for you, you can come to Jishengtang to see Minnv for treatment. You also know that the rules of Jishengtang are not easy to go to the doctor. Let’s forget it today. Minnv can’t just because of you And broke the rules."

King Jin was staring at Gu Youyou like a dead fish.

Gu Youyou didn't pay attention to him, but said to Lin Qianqing: "Sister, your prince's illness can't be delayed, the needle will hurt a little, but you can't use it. Otherwise, the Prince Jin's mansion will be ruined."

Upon hearing this, knives almost flew out of King Jin's eyes.

Lin Qianqing nodded seriously, and said: "Tomorrow I will definitely persuade King Jin to go to Jisheng Hall to find his cousin. If he doesn't go, I will tell the empress to go."

Facing the problem of descendants, the empress was very nervous.

After Gu Youyou left, Jin Wang, who felt that his body was not right, immediately announced the imperial physician, and told everyone who knew about it to keep their mouths shut.

After the imperial physician diagnosed the pulse, he was so shocked that he dared not speak.

"What's the matter with this king's body?" King Jin glared at the imperial physician with an unkind expression.

The old doctor knelt on the ground, sweating profusely, and said, "His Royal Highness, you feel that you can't do what you want?"

... King Jin staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He hasn't tried it since being stabbed by Gu Youyou, so how would he know?

It's just that he felt that something was wrong, as if... limp and unable to get up?

The imperial doctor was sweating profusely and said: "The old minister has little talent and knowledge, and has never seen His Royal Highness such a disease. It is really helpless. How about His Royal Highness let the old minister go back to the imperial hospital first, discuss with Xu imperial doctor and the others, and then..."

"No need." King Jin interrupted angrily, and said, "Go back, remember, you can't leak a word about this matter."

How can everyone know about such a shameful thing?

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Yes, I dare not, the old minister dare not."

King Jin knew that he was played by Gu Youyou, she must have seen that she was not sick at all, but stabbed herself into it.

But it's still this kind of disease that makes him hard to talk about.

In this way, even if he finds trouble with her, it would be a shame to talk about this kind of disease.

But he, Prince Jin, is a shameless person, and he can't afford to lose his face.

So you can only suffer from being dumb?

So he has to go to Jishengtang tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to let her get another needle, otherwise, he won't be hard for the rest of his life?
What a Gu Youyou, she really is very powerful.


The date of the wedding is relatively close, and the etiquette department is busy with other things and has a headache.

It's not that the treasury has no money and can't afford the dowry, it's mainly because the princes and princesses get married and use something for the queen's sake.

Before the eldest prince returned to the court, the king of Jin was the eldest prince, and he was also a direct descendant.

As the queen's only son, his relatives are all the best, and the queen is also happy.Although he is not a prince, because he is the eldest son of a direct descendant, and the other party's bride is also noble enough, so when the king of Jin marries his wife, all the things he uses are based on the standards of a prince marrying a concubine.

King Qin was a concubine, so it was normal for him to be overwhelmed, no one would say anything.

But now that Jin Zijin is returning to court, he is the eldest prince born in a legitimate line.What about his dowry?

(End of this chapter)

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