It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 984 The troubles of betrothal gifts

Chapter 984 The troubles of betrothal gifts

According to his status, he can't be overwhelmed by King Jin, right?

So if the king of Jin is not allowed to overpower him, he has to overpower the king of Jin?
It stands to reason that the eldest brother who was born in the first line should overwhelm the younger brothers, but who will send the gift list to the queen after it is sorted out?
No one dares.

"Master Ji, it's been several days, have you prepared the gift list yet?"

Master Ji turned his head white with worry, and said: "It's done, and I made two copies. Master Xu, come and see which one is suitable to send to the empress for approval?"

Master Xu hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't bear to see his colleagues who had been suffering and hated for many years.

Lord Xu accepted the two gift lists helplessly, and he knew what was going on with a simple glance, and said with a wry smile: "I really can't help you with this matter. Stretching out your head is a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife. You Let’s make a decision as soon as possible.”

"This... this matter has made such a fuss, why didn't the eldest prince return to court earlier? I heard that he himself knew his identity all along, why did he choose this time to come back?"

"Hey!" Master Xu folded the two gift slips, put them on the table, and said, "Taoism and the court seem to be separate, but in fact they are inseparable. The people in the Ministry of Rites should take care of the Taoism here. It's none of our business how we toss about."

Lord Ji nodded, and said: "That's right, there seems to be no difference between being the national teacher and the emperor. The eldest prince has been in Taoism for many years and has a solid foundation. There is really no need to come to the court to wade through this muddy water."

"Haha, no no, there is still a difference, Master Ji." Master Xu laughed out loud.

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Master Xu laughed and said: "You can't marry a wife if you are a national teacher, but you can be a prince." Master Xu laughed suddenly, and lowered his voice and said to Master Ji: "Master Ji, I heard a rumor here that it was a long time ago Dr. Gu went to Sanqing Temple to treat the celestial master, and then transferred to Qishan for more than half a year. At that time, Tianzong's senior brother and Dr. Gu became very close, and the two even gave each other privately."

"Oh? And this thing?" Master Ji was quite shocked, and said: "Unmarried men and women give and receive privately, this is a big deal!"

Mr. Xu nodded and said: "There must be evidence, otherwise, why would you say that someone gave and received privately. But this must be true. Think about it, isn't the criterion for choosing a concubine this time just for Dr. Gu? Is it custom-made? The eldest prince has gone to great lengths to embrace this beauty."

Since this is the case, does this mean that the First Prince values ​​this Doctor Gu very much?Master Ji was startled, staring at the two gift lists on the table, he felt Alexander.

"So, if I didn't do a good job with this gift list, maybe the empress and the first prince were offended?"

He felt that he had picked up a hot potato, and he didn't know if it was too late to call him sick.

Master Xu laughed mysteriously.

Master Ji stared at him, his face darkened, and said: "Master Xu, do you still need to hold back in front of me? We were friends when we were wearing crotch pants. Tell me quickly, what's your idea?"

Master Xu smiled and said: "Just now I really thought of a way for you. Since one of these two gift lists will offend the eldest prince and the other will offend the queen, you might as well present both of them and let the queen take care of herself." It's up to you. No matter which one the queen chooses in the end, it has nothing to do with you, that's what the queen said, isn't it?"

Master Ji suddenly realized, he gave Master Xu a thumbs up, and said: "Okay, these are the best. No matter which gift list the queen chooses, I will send a letter to the emperor later."

"That's right, that's the reason."


 Thank you for your support, the results of the event have come down, great!

(End of this chapter)

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