Chapter 987 Gu Wen is dying

After Mrs. Ji left, Nanny Li bowed to the queen and said, "Your Majesty, you don't feel comfortable using this big one, but you can use this small one... I'm afraid it's inappropriate for people from home and abroad to look at it. Eldest Prince I just returned to the palace, if the treatment I receive is not as good as that of our King Jin, I am afraid that the courtiers will have something to say. Your image has always been magnanimous. In the eyes of this old slave, you don’t need to care too much about these extraneous things. Why bother about it?"

Nanny Li was brought by the empress's natal family. Because Jin Yushu would be sent to the palace sooner or later, the Duke's Mansion had found a smart woman to train and sent her to the Prince's mansion together.

But Jin Yushu's temper could not allow the maid beside her to become her husband's concubine in the future, so she chose an older woman with an ordinary appearance, Nanny Li.

She trusted this loyal servant who grew up with her very much, and felt that her words were very reasonable, so she agreed.

"You ask someone to send this gift list to the Ministry of Rites, even if it's cheaper for them."

After the empress stamped the phoenix seal on the gift list, the Ministry of Rituals dared to prepare the corresponding items according to the examples listed in the gift list.

So many things take a lot of time.

At that time, a major event was happening in Lianhua Village.


It has been raining heavily for several days near Qingshui Town. Qin Changlin went to Gu's house in Lianhua Village wearing a coir raincoat, carrying a bamboo hat and carrying a medicine box on his back. This is the second time he has gone there.

Gu Wen's situation is very bad. He went to have a diagnosis last time. Gu Wen's coughing up blood was caused by tuberculosis.There is no solution to tuberculosis, he wrote back to Gu Youyou after he went back, mentioning this matter, he wondered if Gu Youyou could be cured.

Because of the heavy rain for several days, it was impossible to ride a horse or drive a carriage on the mountain road, so Qin Changlin was completely soaked by walking to Lianhua Village like this.

"Second Aunt Gu, how is Uncle Gu doing today?"

"Oh, it's still the same. I coughed up blood again last night."

With a distressed look on his face, Huang Xiangwen hurriedly invited Qin Changlin, who was drenched all over, into the room, and said to Gu Dabao, "Dabao, quickly take Doctor Qin to change into clean clothes."

Gu Dabao took Qin Changlin's bamboo hat and medicine box, and said, "Doctor Qin, change into clean clothes before going to have a look."

Gu Wen lived alone in a room, and before entering the room, he could hear his coughing, which was ear-piercing.

Qin Changlin put on a mask and said to Huang Xiangwen: "Second Aunt Gu, Second Uncle Gu will get sick with this kind of illness, have you all paid attention to it?"

Huang Xiangwen's eyes were red, she nodded her head and sighed: "The children wanted to go in to see him, but I never dared to let them in. When I went in, I listened to you and kept wearing a mask. Chopsticks are also placed separately."

"That's fine."

Qin Changlin entered the room and saw Gu Wen lying on the bed, his cheeks so weakened that only skin and bones remained.

Seeing Qin Changlin coming, he wanted to get up, but he coughed violently.

Huang Xiangwen hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and patted his back for comfort.

The cough stopped, and there was another big mouthful of blood.

In addition, it was accompanied by chest pain and difficulty breathing.

This is an advanced symptom of tuberculosis.

Qin Changlin hurried forward to feel the pulse.

Huang Xiangwen burst into tears and said: "You are not well, so don't get up, lie down quickly."

Gu Wenshun got angry and was able to say a few words.

"Dr. Qin, thank you, Doctor Qin. It's raining so hard, and I trouble you to come to the doctor."

Qin Changlin was very surprised to hear such words from Gu Wen's mouth.

Mostly, people who are about to die speak well.

(End of this chapter)

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