Chapter 988 Natural Disaster
Qin Changlin motioned for Gu Wen to lie down, and then said to him in a low voice: "Second Uncle Gu, you need to stay in bed for more rest to recover from this disease, so relax, what do you want to eat and drink, just tell Aunt Gu, eat well. Drink well to get better soon."

With a sad face on his face, Gu Wen said: "I don't know who offended the heavens. It's raining non-stop. How can I recover from my illness?"

Huang Xiangwen said with red eyes: "What else can you do if you can't rest assured to recuperate? It's going to rain, can you still use something to block it?"

"You mother-in-law!" Gu Wen said urgently: "So many crops in our family have been flooded, don't you know how to be anxious?"

"It's useless for me to be anxious. No matter how anxious I am, it will rain that day."

"Hey, you... why did I marry such a prodigal woman like you? When I went to prison, you were the one who divided up the fields. Otherwise, would our family be poor?"

As soon as he spoke urgently, Gu Wen coughed violently again.

"Why is our family poor? You eat less or you wear less." Huang Xiangwen was unhappy when he heard this. Seeing that he was coughing badly, he didn't say much, just said a few words and let it go.

Could she not share the situation back then?

Over the years, she has figured it out, what's yours is yours, and it's useless to fight if it's not yours, but Gu Wen, it's been a few years, and she still has a grudge.

Qin Changlin packed up the medicine box and said to Huang Xiangwen: "Second Aunt Gu, Second Uncle Gu needs rest due to his illness. I think you should go out first and stop arguing."

Huang Xiangwen hurriedly said: "Okay, I see that you are sick, I won't quarrel with you. Anyway, don't worry about the crops. Our family still has some surplus food, so we won't die of hunger."

Only when he was outside the house did Qin Changlin dare to tell the truth.

"Second Aunt Gu, I didn't dare to tell the truth in front of Second Uncle Gu just now, Second Uncle Gu's actually terminally ill, I'm afraid it will only be a few days."

"What?" Huang Xiangwen dropped the bowl containing water to the ground with a bang.

"How could this be? Didn't you say that resting would help you get better?" She suddenly pulled Qin Changlin's clothes.

Gu Dabao and Gu Erbao hurried forward to pick up their mother, each of them looked shocked, waiting for Qin Changlin to continue.

Qin Changlin said: "Second Uncle Gu suffers from tuberculosis, which cannot be cured, as you all know. That's why I asked you to keep a distance from him as much as possible!

Yesterday, I wrote a letter to Sister Youyou. She is very skilled in medicine. I wanted to wait for her reply before telling you, but now it has been raining for days, and Uncle Gu is worried all day long. His condition has worsened than I imagined. Hurry up, if you don't wait for Sister Youyou's reply, I'm afraid...Second Uncle Gu can't wait anymore! "

Everyone in the Gu family was dumbfounded. Huang Xiangwen could hardly stand still and almost passed out.

Can't be cured, tuberculosis?Although they don't know medical skills, they all know that tuberculosis is a incurable disease.

How can I get tuberculosis?

A sudden bang brought everyone's thoughts back to reality.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and everyone ran out of the house after hearing the noise.

Unexpectedly, many families in the village came out of their houses, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

That is the back mountain of Lianhua Village, where there are rumors of immortals.

It seemed that the mountain had collapsed. The heavy rain washed the valley with billowing mud, followed the Qingshui River, and headed straight to the village below the mountain.

Seeing this scene, everyone was terrified.

Qin Changlin was taken aback, and hurriedly said to the villagers: "Everyone, run, the mountain has been washed away by the heavy rain for several days, I am afraid that there will be a catastrophe in Lianhua Village."

(End of this chapter)

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