It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 997 The Big Event of Circe's Burning Eyebrows

Chapter 997 The Big Event of Circe's Burning Eyebrows

Can it still make people live a good life in the world of two people?
Circe was anxious to see herself, and she knew it when she blocked the door.

The maid outside the door said in embarrassment: "But Miss Circe has a very tough attitude and said that she must see you."

Gu Youyou frowned deeply, put down her chopsticks, and said to Jin Zijin, "If it were me, no one would be able to cure her. You eat first, and I'll be here in a while."

Lest you can't be quiet for three days.

"Go!" Jin Zijin was still so gentle and lifeless.

Outside the courtyard was Circe's resentful face. She was blocked by Jin Zijin's people outside the courtyard and couldn't get in. Now that she saw Gu Youyou coming out, she became very angry.

"Hmph, the color makes the mind faint."

Gu Youyou staggered and almost fell over.

"Bring her in." Gu Youyou said lightly.

In a side room, Gu Youyou sat down while leaning on the armrest, and saw that the maids had all sent out, so she asked, "What is your urgent matter that makes it difficult for me to get married? No matter how urgent it is, can it be more urgent than my marriage?" Is it a big deal? I'm... in my twenties, and I'm only marrying myself now, do you think it's easy for me?"

"It's not the trouble you caused me." Circe said angrily, "Last time you imprisoned King Jin, but asked me to give him an injection to cure him. Since then, when he saw me, he met the fish like a cat. It seems that yesterday I drank too much and went crazy in the backyard, almost molested me, if I hadn't knocked him out with an injection, I would probably lose my chastity now."

Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows. Yesterday she expected that something would happen to Circe, but she thought that something would happen when she met someone from the Lu family, but she didn't expect it to be King Jin.

The last time Gu Youyou went to Lin Qianqing's flower viewing party, she was almost tricked by King Jin.In order to get revenge, she recalcitrant King Jin's game, and later threw this mess to Circe, never wanting to cause a rotten peach blossom for Circe.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Gu Youyou looked at her playfully, with a feeling of luck.

Circe has met his nemesis.

Circe said: "Of course the matter you provoked is up to you to solve it, I don't care, you take care of the matter of King Jin, otherwise I will tell you about the matter of you making King Jin impotent, the first one to know is the First Prince , he must like to hear gossip about his new wife."

"Heh..." Gu Youyou said with a smile: "Zijin will only clap her hands when she finds out!"

With a dark face, Circe said, "Anyway, you find a way, or I will poison him to death, and die with him."

The corners of Gu Youyou's mouth twitched, she felt that Circe could do this kind of thing.

Just kidding, King Jin is the lifeblood of the empress and the Duke's mansion, if their lifeblood is cut off, they will become desperate mad dogs, and the Zhuzhao Kingdom will be in chaos.

Gu Youyou sighed, and said helplessly: "You just hide in the mansion, don't go anywhere, he can't do anything to you."

After all, everyone wants face on the surface.

Circe remained silent, Gu Youyou said again: "It happens that there is a lack of a groom in the mansion. In a few days, I will ask someone to go talk to the Gu family outside the city, and go to his house to hire a professional groom with a high salary. disagree."

Circe's eyes lit up, but he still said angrily, "What professional groom does their family have? Just like Gu Yunxi, who can drive a carriage into a ditch."

"That's because people are so hungry that their eyes are dim."

Gu Youyou had heard of Circe's crime of enslaving people.

"Whatever, it's your money anyway." Circe said angrily.

Then got up and went out of the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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