It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 998 He won't enter the palace, please seal

Chapter 998 He won't enter the palace, please seal

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief before continuing to look for Jin Zijin.

She kind of sent Circe away.

It's just that Circe has been going to Jishengtang as a consultation doctor from the secret to the obvious, and suddenly she doesn't go... I'm afraid that Jishengtang will have another opinion.

It seems that the matter of King Jin must be resolved as soon as possible.


Among the maids in the eldest prince's mansion were the queen's eyeliner, and their every move quickly reached the queen's ears, including the fact that King Jin took a fancy to a female doctor next to Gu Youyou.

"Go and call King Jin here." The queen was furious, and after Jin Zijin returned to court, she often lost her image.

Originally, she woke up early today, waiting for Gu Youyou to enter the palace to invite her to treat her with tea, how could she know that the news she got was that the two of them didn't get up until noon to serve tea?Shit to serve tea, people don't treat her as a mother at all, and they won't come to drink tea at all.

The eunuch who was running errands had gone out of the palace to find King Jin, and Nanny Li whispered in the queen's ear.

"No, the eldest prince is supposed to enter the palace today to ask for a seal. For such a big matter, how could he sleep until the sun was up?"

"Hmph, please continue?" The queen snorted coldly: "The emperor has already conferred the titles of King Jin and King Qin. What an honor it is? If you re-appoint him, what will he do? It's still low, except for the crown prince, I'm afraid no one else will look up to him."

Nanny Li was startled, and felt that the queen was right.

Otherwise, why did he leave Eldest Senior Brother Tianzong and run back to be a prince instead?
Of course, Nanny Li also knew about the things found out in Lianhua Village, but Jin Zijin couldn't bear the loneliness and wanted to marry a wife.

Thinking of this, her old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, and she flattered the queen: "Empress, since he can't bear to be lonely and unavoidable, we might as well go for him. There are so many young ladies in the capital, and the empress is the leader of a country. Mother, naturally you should worry more about the royal heirs and marry more women to the princes."

The queen thought of the night when the palace servants reported the embarrassment to death, and felt that Madam Li was right.

However, according to the rules, the main concubine can only marry the side concubine after one month of entering the palace, and the side concubine can only take concubines after one month of entering the palace, so one month is enough for her to find a woman who can make things difficult for Gu Youyou.

King Jin came soon. He was drunk yesterday, and he doesn't look very well today.

"Queen, why are you looking for your son?"

"Kneel down," the queen snapped.

There are no outsiders in the hall, only Queen Li and King Jin.

King Jin was sobered up by the queen's yell.

"What's the matter, queen mother?"

The queen said: "I heard that you recently saw a female doctor, and you often go to Jishengtang. Is this female doctor still by Gu Youyou's side?"

King Jin's eyes darkened, and his heart had already turned a few times secretly.

Who told the Queen Mother about this?The people around me are very reliable, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

Then it is possible that he drank too much wine in Jin Zijin's mansion yesterday, did some outrageous things, and happened to be discovered by the eyeliner placed in the mansion by the queen mother?
"Isn't it?" Seeing that his eyes were dodging, the queen yelled again.

"No!" King Jin said, "A few days ago, my minister was ill, and the imperial physician was helpless, so I went to Jishengtang as a last resort. My minister went to Jishengtang many times for the purpose of treating illnesses. I will not tell you about it." Empress, it's because she's afraid that Empress will worry."

The queen's expression softened a little, and she gave Nanny Li a wink.

Nanny Li understood, bowed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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