The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1106 Don't even think about living today!

Chapter 1106 Don't even think about living today!

The little boy was very fast, like a cannonball, his hands and feet were very nimble, and the bamboo basket came out of his hand and hit the man head-on.

The man couldn't dodge in time, and the bamboo basket was smashed right on it.Hearing the man's cry of pain, everyone saw that Hu San's face was scratched with scars by the tattered bamboo basket. Although the wound was not deep, his face was covered with criss-cross scars, which was unbearable to look at.

"Ah! You bastard, I will kill you!"

Hu San picked up the broken bamboo basket casually, and rammed towards the little boy.The little boy's hands and feet were extremely fast. When he smashed the basket, he had already grabbed the torn blanket where the herbs were placed. When he pulled it suddenly, all the herbs flew up and scattered in all directions.Hu San was stepping on the blanket with one foot. At this time, the sole of his foot slipped, and he leaned back straight, and hit the ground heavily with a "bang".

I don't know if I fell too hard or because I was too angry.The heavy panting of the stall owner could be heard almost throughout the street.The man seemed to have practiced his hands a few times, and after taking a few breaths, a carp jumped up from the ground, its eyes were already red with anger, and its hands were like eagle claws, grabbing towards the little boy.

"Brat, don't think about living today!"

The little boy turned around and ran, shouting as he ran, "Catch me, come and catch me, hum, one day, I will grow up, I will grow up, and I will kill you!"

The child was only five or six years old, and the stall owner, who was 1.7 meters tall, stepped out in two steps, grabbed the little boy by the back, and lifted him up in the air.Opening his mouth, his eyes were full of big yellow teeth, and he smiled sinisterly. The stall owner named Hu San said fiercely, "Run, you run, you run, you brat, labor and management have lived for more than 20 years, and you haven't seen it yet." You suffered a loss, and today you died at the hands of labor and management, and you still made a profit."

"You, let me go, my father, my father..."

"Father? Hahaha!" The stall owner laughed wildly, "You still expect your dead father to come and save you?"

The stall owner lifted the boy up high, obviously planning to slam him down on the ground.The higher he was from the ground, a ray of fear gradually appeared in the little boy's eyes. His eyes seemed a little flustered, but still showed a firm expression. He searched around in the crowd, muttering in his mouth, "Big brother, big brother..."

"Brother and sister? Little poor, do you still expect someone to come and save you?" The stall owner wiped his face with the other hand. The wound irritated him, and he glanced at the people around him. "You have all seen that it is this brat who hurt Laozi like this. This damn brat is an annoying mouse in Danska City all day long. I don't care about the villain. If he survives in my hand, it means his fate, if he can't survive, don't blame me!"

In the whole crowd, no one made a sound, even the person who helped the little boy plead with Bei Tinghuang just now is silent now.Except for the look of pity in his eyes, almost no one dared to speak out to stop him.Obviously, these people are afraid of this street vendor named Hu San.

"Hehe, Hu San, I'll make you a bet, you can't beat this stinky boy to death. Did you kick that lightly just now? Look, how long did it take for him to come alive again? This boy is evil!" Very good!" Next to Hu San's stall, the stall owner who chased the little boy with Hu San before said.

This man was also born with a hulking back and a fierce look. He glanced contemptuously at the little boy who was held by Hu San, and said nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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