The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1107 They are indeed damned!

Chapter 1107 They are indeed damned!
"What? Li Er, you bastard, how dare you look down on me?" Hu San shook the little boy in his hand, tiptoed to lift him higher, and said amusedly, "That's his luck, you think This time, his luck will be so good, and someone will save him? Look!"

After Hu San finished speaking, a stern look appeared in his eyes, he lifted up the child, and swung it viciously towards the ground!


There was a burst of screaming from the crowd. This kind of scene stimulated some people with poor mental quality and almost fainted.No one wants to see this kind of occasion. Almost everyone can't help but close their eyes when Hu San strikes, and there are scenes that they don't want to see in their minds. After all, this is a child .

It's just that, after a long time, I haven't heard that muffled sound for a long time.The whole street, except for the occasional yelling of selling medicinal materials, was very peaceful.

It has been a long time since the child's screams were heard, and everyone felt very strange. When they opened their eyes, they saw that the boy was suspended three feet from the ground and did not fall to the ground. Hu San was also using a pair of Looking at the child with terrified eyes, he wanted to grab the child with his right hand, but he dared not make a move. He just got closer, then retracted, back and forth several times, so that layers of sweat appeared on his forehead in fright.

A black figure came out from the crowd, and on the hem of the robe, the silver embroidery of the Ninefold Bana Flower, followed by her pace, and the petals seemed to open one after another.The black ponytail was mixed with several purple silk ribbons, which were blown high by the summer wind in July.She wore a silver mask on her face, but the flickering light could not cover those shining black eyes.

This is a teenager, the one who caught the boy just now, was she the one who rescued the boy just now?But no one knows how she did it!
Bei Tinghuang walked up to the boy, stretched out her hand, supported the boy, and hugged the boy in her arms.As she stretched out her hand, the force of heaven and earth supporting the child dissipated.She lowered her head slightly, looked into the child's eyes, and said with a little displeasure, "Push me away so quickly, are you going to come here like this to seek death?"

Her voice was a little harsh, but the concern in her eyes couldn't deceive anyone.The boy looked at it, such a strong child, at this moment, his pretty lips cracked, and two tears welled up in his eyes, so he rushed towards Bei Tinghuang regardless, put his arms around her neck, and shouted, " Big brother, they scolded my father and scolded my mother!"

"They, really deserve to die!" Bei Tinghuang raised his hand and gently patted the little boy's back, staring at Hu San with a pair of stern eyes shooting cold arrows, the dark light in his eyes seemed to allow people to see the existence of hell, "Didn't you say that if you can't beat him to death, it means his life is big? His life is indeed big! Now, it's your turn!"

"You, you, you, who are you? What does it matter to you?" Hu San was stared at by these eyes, making cold sweat all over his body, and he couldn't help stepping back.

"Are you entitled to know my name?" Bei Tinghuang walked towards Hu San step by step, forcing him to retreat step by step, until she sat on the booth with her buttocks, and she stepped on it with her toes on Hu San's chest After a slight crush, he heard the sound of bones breaking, and the other party let out a miserable cry, and felt the little boy in his arms tremble, Bei Tinghuang just let go, and said, "I am not a good person. Almost none of the people in my hands can survive. I always thought I was bad, but after seeing you and you, I realized that I am not the worst one."

 Today's update!Shout out: Bones come on!

  In the following plot, the alchemy conference is over, and the soul-returning grass will obviously belong to Xiaojiu, and then go to Yancheng. Can you guess what the big drama in Yancheng is?
(End of this chapter)

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