The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1114 Agur's Worries

Chapter 1114 Agur's Worries
"That's right!" Agur said, "So, my idea is that before the monsters in this space grow up for the time being, we must first consolidate our power, otherwise, we will be oppressed by those monsters until the time comes. If it is left, it is a disgrace to the master!"

Jiuyan suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned around and turned into a young man in red clothes and red hair. It seemed that he had listened to Aguer's words, "Tell me, what do you think we should do?"

The space inside here was refined by the Devil Emperor after imitating the area where the Yanmotian clan lived, but the area is much larger. In addition to the hundred thousand miles of hills, there are also vast oceans, thousands of miles of plains, and endless swamps.In it, more than 10 years have passed, and there is abundant magic energy and spiritual energy coexisting, and I don't know how many powerful creatures have been bred.

Even bloodline monsters like Jiuyan and Aguer can practice at a rapid pace, so fast that they can't believe it.

"We want to establish our own power!" Aguer looked at the [-]-mile hills, tigers roaring in the mountains and forests, and dragons leaping into the abyss. Several camps have been established, there are several sacred beasts, and the holy beasts and spirit beasts have been summoned to form our own forces. If we don’t speed up our pace, I’m afraid we will be eaten up by these indigenous people.”

"What did you say?" Lei Ting, who was about to evade, couldn't calm down after hearing this, and pointed in the direction of Tongshan, "You said we would be eaten by those aborigines? Are you kidding me? Who does this space belong to? It belongs to the master! We are the monsters of the master, how dare they bully us?"

Ling Mo got up from the ground and shook his three heads. He really wanted to call Lei Ting an "idiot", but he didn't dare, so he said, "Even if this space belongs to the owner, it cannot be denied that they who are born and bred in the space Residents. Ants kill elephants, if we don’t be vigilant, sooner or later they will kill them one by one.”

Xiao Zhao nodded, and the two round ears on his head trembled, "A few days ago, I went to Mission Hills Lake to drink water, and I was chased and killed by a giant python there. Oh god, he said I am standing in his territory. You know, I am a mink, and my favorite food is snake meat. I was so angry that I fought him and killed him in the end. I still have the snake gall, ready to give it to you. The master refines the medicine."

"Is there such a thing?" Even Xiaoteng, who had been gathering magic energy to cultivate, was not calm anymore. He moved over the ground and joined the ranks of the discussion, "What you said is scary to death. The monsters in this space are all Are you crazy? A giant python dares to provoke a beast-level mink?"

"No way, these ignorant people, that guy doesn't know what species I am, what can I do?" The golden-eyed god Diao Xiaozhao flicked his big furry tail behind him, spread his little paws, and said helplessly.

Aguer was also speechless for a while, "The species here are mainly some species from the 33rd sky, plus some species that have been born and raised in this space for 10 years. It's normal not to know Xiao Zhao. So, We need to prepare early!"

"Then let's start now, building a city and recruiting troops. On the one hand, we can stabilize our absolute position in it, and on the other hand, we can also build an army of monsters for the master!" Jiuyan said.

(End of this chapter)

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