The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1115 Why Don't You Let Me In

Chapter 1115 Why Don't You Let Me In
Bei Tinghuang probably didn't expect that she just didn't enter the space for a few days, and earth-shaking changes took place inside.

At this time, she was sitting on a broken wall, listening to Ximen Bai talking about him, "... I only found out later that Rong'er's mother was from Danzhigu, the legitimate daughter of this generation. The owner of the valley only gave birth to her one daughter, and she is going to send her to the 33-day Pill Valley. She never told me that we were together for three months and were very happy. When I was about to take her back to the Ximen family, she suddenly Disappeared."

"Your legs were made like this by the people of Pill Valley, right?" Bei Tinghuang glanced at his legs lying powerlessly on the ground, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Ximen Bai clenched his fists tightly, his chest heaved violently, obviously recalling the past that he didn't want to think about, "Yes, it's the great elder of Pill Valley. Rong'er was carried by him and thrown in front of my door. At that time, I was decadent, thinking that she didn't want me anymore. When I saw the child, I didn't expect that she would still be willing to give birth to me. I was holding the child, and on the way to the Valley of Pills, the Great Elder was waiting halfway. It was him Move your hand."

Bei Tinghuang closed her eyes and sighed. She stood up and helped Ximen Bai onto the bed, "He is dead! I mean, the Great Elder died yesterday, and Zhu Tong from the Valley of Pills , was also wiped out by me. I will let Lightning send you and Rong'er back to the hotel where I live first, and I will find time to refine the elixir to restore your legs."

"Recovery, is it really possible to recover?" Simon Bai couldn't believe his ears.He is also a pharmacist himself, and no one knows better than him what kind of methods the Great Elder used back then. If his cultivation base was not bad, his dantian would have been lost. Even so, after the poison penetrated into the dantian, his whole body His cultivation has been abolished, but he still saved his life anyway.

"I didn't know that there was such a grievance between Brother Ximen Bai and Pill Valley. If I had known, I would have left the life of the Great Elder to you!" Bei Tinghuang swept across his body, "Exorcism, continue!" Meridian, although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible, I have other things, so let's go first, and I will help you refine the elixir in the evening!"

After the two were handed over to Lightning, Bei Tinghuang continued to walk towards the alchemists union.On the main road, the Alchemist Union, which occupies almost half of the street, is definitely the most powerful and magnificent building in Danska City. From the outside, it looks like a medicine cauldron standing upright, overwhelming the square city lord's mansion opposite. Compare it.

After a little delay, when Bei Tinghuang came over, there was no sign-up person at the door, only two guards from the Alchemist Union, sitting at the door eating melon seeds and chatting.

Seeing Bei Tinghuang rushing in, the two hurriedly stopped Bei Tinghuang from left to right, "Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? This is also a place where you can come casually? Go and play!"

After Beitinghuang's silver mask and the elegant Nine Layers of Bana Flower brocade robe were stained by Bai Rong, she took off her mask and wore an ordinary black robe.In the eyes of these two guards, Bei Tinghuang was just a son with a little money in his family, without any signs of his identity and strength on his body, no wonder he was so unpopular.

"I'm here to sign up for the Alchemist Qualification Competition, why don't you let me in?" Bei Tinghuang rubbed his nose, followed the eyes of these two people to look at himself, it's very clean, there's nothing wrong with it!

(End of this chapter)

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