The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1135 Did You Do It On Purpose?

Chapter 1135 Did You Do It On Purpose?
This elder is too ignorant!
Bei Tinghuang glanced at this person indifferently, the flames in the world may continue to evolve through the promotion of the master.But some flames are born to transcend the heaven and earth because of the dignity of the fire, such as the nine-color Nirvana fire.

Even at this time, because of Beitinghuang's own strength, the flame level of the Nine-Color Nirvana Fire is only Heavenly Fire for the time being. is unique in this world.

Once the nine colors come out, who will compete with them?

However, people inside and outside the arena usually seldom even know Tianhuo. When the elders of the trade union shouted the word "Shenhuo", almost everyone trembled.Oh my god, I never thought that they would still be able to see god-level flames in their lifetime.

"Shenhuo? Is it that exaggerated?" Someone questioned.

But at this time, facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Cao Shen gave a wry smile. He raised his hand, twisting his thumb, index finger and middle finger desperately, trying to force out the sky fire in his body, but no matter how hard he tried, everyone just looked at him. There was a spark, but no flame came out.

Suppression, this is flame suppression.

You know, Cao Shen's flame is a sky fire, a flame that can suppress the sky fire so much that it dare not come out, what is it if it is not a god fire?
At this moment, seeing that Cao Shen's fingers were worn out, and under the suppression of this cluster of flames, he couldn't summon the sky-level flames, everyone had to believe that the flames in the young man's palms were indeed "divine fires. "

"It's really Shenhuo, how can it be Shenhuo?" Someone shouted unwillingly.

"I just saw a ghost, it turned out to be Shenhuo!"

"Then what do they do?"

At this time, people outside the arena noticed that in the arena, in each of the furnaces, although the flames were not extinguished, the flames like bean sprouts trembled and curled up in the furnace. , there is a little light, but it is not a flame at all.

These flames, under the suppression of the flames of Beitinghuang, did not go out, that's because they didn't dare!



There is a sound of white gas coming out of someone's alchemy cauldron. Someone has put medicinal materials into the alchemy cauldron before, but there is no flame refining. Those medicinal materials are baked in the alchemy cauldron for a while, and of course they will be destroyed in the end. .Jiarui had already put the second medicinal herb into it, and seeing a burst of white smoke, the medicinal herb lay dead in the cauldron, and a burst of anger sprang out again.

"Yuejiu, did you do it on purpose? What do you mean? You do not want so many of us to pass the exam on purpose, don't you?" Jia Rui slapped the stone platform suddenly, his face turned green with anger. It took only three batches of medicinal materials to light a fire, and she had already used up two batches, which was something she had never even thought about.

Bei Tinghuang's hand lightly pressed against the cauldron, and the flame was moved into the cauldron. Under Bei Tinghuang's mental control, the flame gently licked the bottom of the cauldron and warmed the cauldron.She took the time to glance at Jia Rui, and said in a voice without warmth, "What does it have to do with me? Didn't you arrange for me to refine a fifth-grade elixir? If I don't use this flame, how can I refine it? No, show me a demonstration with firewood!"

"Pfft ha ha ha!" In the space, those unscrupulous monsters in Bei Ting Huang almost burst out laughing, "This stupid woman, why are human females so stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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