The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1136 She is very strong, not something you can afford!

Chapter 1136 She is very strong, not something you can afford!

"Are all human females so stupid?" Jiuyan looked at Lei Ting who said this with a half-smile, "You have the ability to say this in front of the master!"

"Uh!" Lei Ting just remembered that their master is also a female, "But, master, is she a female? Isn't she a male who is more masculine than a male?"

There was silence in the space, really, I don't know how to answer these words.The same picture appeared in the hearts and minds of all the beasts. The young man holding a soft silver sword was suspended in the sky, looking at each of them with a pair of dark eyes with a dangerous look, and shouted a sharp and cold voice. With murderous words, "Surrender, or die?"

This scene was almost the nightmare of all the beasts, but all the beasts who experienced this scene, almost without exception, thanked themselves for being afraid of death and choosing to surrender.

"Cough cough cough!" Seeing the weird expressions of these beasts, Aguer diverted his attention wisely, "Well, we just need to know that Boss Ming's nine-color Nirvana Fire is the supreme flame with the same root as heaven and earth. .”

"Mm, um, um, that's right, you idiots actually regarded Boss Ming's flame as divine fire. Fortunately, Boss Ming is asleep, otherwise he would be so angry that he would run out and burn these guys to death!" Lei Ting said. .

These beasts were lying at the entrance of the space, looking out, waiting for the stupid woman Jia Rui to refine the fifth-grade elixir with firewood.These firewood are all taken from a special kind of wood on the Xingyue Plain. It burns durable and has a balanced fire. It is the favorite of alchemists, but it will definitely not be able to refine fifth-grade elixir.


Even if they were intimidated by Cao Tai's lust, there were still people who couldn't help laughing outside the arena.

Jiarui's face was almost purple, with murderous intent surging, she really didn't expect that the bastard Bei Tinghuang would possess the "Shenhuo", this bastard must have done it on purpose, he deliberately hid his clumsiness before, just to ruthlessly slap them in the face.

Cao Tai's expression was inexplicable. In order to slap Bei Tinghuang in the face, he didn't do anything with the medicinal materials. What he was afraid of was that Bei Tinghuang would not be able to refine the fifth-grade elixir, so he would blame the medicinal materials. superior.But at this time, he regretted it, he really never thought that this boy, at such a young age, turned out to be a divine fire alchemist.

Possessing Divine Fire, as long as one has a little knowledge of refining medicine, at least one can easily refine second and third grade pills.

Being so young, possessing a god-level fire, either devoured a god-level fire seed, or possessed a powerful natal god-level beast, no matter which one it is, unless luck is against the sky, it must come from a very powerful family.Such a person cannot be offended. Once offended, it is best to let her disappear forever.

Otherwise, it will provoke unbearable retaliation.

"She is very strong, not something you can afford!"

Cao Tai just had this thought in his mind when Mo Li's indifferent and warm voice came, and he turned his head to look at it suddenly. Cao Tai broke into a cold sweat.

The simple and unsophisticated Danding, the rare divine fire, and Bei Tinghuang's skillful manipulation techniques attracted everyone outside the arena at this time. They stared at the young man with eager eyes. Seeing her engrossed, a medicinal herb seemed to have life. Following her command, she flew into the alchemy cauldron in a very orderly manner. The method of refining medicine that she had never seen before made everyone's hearts feel as excited as chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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