The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1152 As long as you persist and endure, you will surely succeed!

Chapter 1152 As long as you persist and endure, you will surely succeed!
The steward was relieved to go to work, as a servant, he was most afraid of encountering a stingy master, so things would be difficult to do.Fortunately, Bei Tinghuang, although young, is very generous.The steward can guarantee that three Heavenly Spirit Pills and three Breaking Spirit Pills are enough for him to hold his head up high in front of Duomi Trading Company.

Although the medicinal materials are good, if you don't meet a god-level pharmacist, it will be a waste.Otherwise, for so many years, why did the Domi Chamber of Commerce still keep these medicinal materials and never sell them?

"It's their good fortune to meet Master Ninth!" The steward walked like a wind.

Bei Tinghuang stood at the door, before his hand touched the handle, the door was pulled open abruptly.A small figure rushed towards her, buried in his arms, "Brother, you are back, I miss you so much!"

"Pfft!" Bei Tinghuang couldn't help but think of his previous life, a certain cross talk actor he saw on TV, every time he appeared on stage, he liked to say this sentence "I miss you all", he raised his hand and rubbed Ximen Rong's head, Picking him up, "Big brother misses you very much too!"

In the room, Ximen Bai was sitting by the window. He also looked at Bei Tinghuang who came in. He couldn't believe that Bei Tinghuang had cured Mr. Moli from Danska City. That also meant that, There is hope for this leg of his.

Before Ximen Bai could open his mouth, Bei Tinghuang threw a jade bottle towards Ximen Bai. Inside, there was no doubt that it contained the remaining Tendon Pill, "Brother Ximen, use it! It will hurt a lot. Maybe you need to be patient!"

The meridians that have been damaged for many years will definitely hurt once they start to repair.But Ximen Bai was once a master, so it is absolutely impossible for him to bear this kind of pain.

Holding the bottle tightly in his hand, Ximen Bai took a deep breath, turned the wheelchair under him, and was about to go out, but Bei Tinghuang stopped him, "You stay here, I will take the little brother out, we are also going to go to eat!"

The restaurant was downstairs, and when the steward saw Bei Tinghuang came out to eat in person, he specially arranged a private room for them.

Ximen Rong was in a very restless mood. At such a young age, he also knew what his father was doing at this moment, and he was absent-minded while eating, so he asked carefully, "Big brother, will my father be in pain? Can't stand the pain?"

"No!" Bei Tinghuang picked up a chopstick for him and rubbed his head, "Xiao Rong, you are a man, remember what your elder brother said, in this life, no matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter what pain you experience, As long as you persevere and endure, you will surely succeed.”

Although I don't know if Ximen Rong can understand, Bei Tinghuang still fulfills his elder brother's duty, "A person, regardless of his ability or background, as long as he can persevere and not admit defeat in the face of suffering, he will definitely be able to climb up to the level of others." A peak that cannot be climbed, standing at a height that the world cannot reach, Xiao Rong, do you understand what I said?"

Ximen Rong is undoubtedly a very smart child. Although he couldn't understand it, he still kept Bei Tinghuang's words firmly in his heart, and nodded suddenly, "Big brother, I remember, even though Dad said we can't find Mom Yes, but as long as I practice hard and persist in searching, I will be able to find it one day."

"Of course!" Bei Tinghuang cast his eyes out of the window, looking at the color of dusk, a dark golden light, he firmly said, "Of course I can find it, I will definitely find it, big brother is also looking for his parents, look, As long as we move forward, we will be one step closer to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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