The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1153 I, Simon Bo, also have a day to stand up!

Chapter 1153 I, Simon Bo, will stand up one day too!
After talking with the two of them, one big and one small, Ximen Rong obviously relaxed a lot, and he no longer worried about his father. He believed that his father would be able to hold back the pain, persevere, and let his leg recover as the big brother said.

He was eating happily, guessing, Ximen Rong has never eaten such a delicious meal since he was born until now, the little guy ate with rice grains all over his face.Bei Tinghuang was taking a napkin to help him wipe the soup and rice grains off his face when the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open.

The two people, one big and one small, looked towards the door together. The tall figure resembled Ximensong's face, and the 1.8-meter man stood straight in front of them.

His hair was neatly combed, and he was dressed in a white spiritual master robe. He had a spiritual master badge pinned to his chest, showing his past and present strength, the strength of a five-sword star spiritual master.The most important thing is that he stood at the door without even holding the door frame.

Although I knew for a long time that Brother Ximen Bai would stand up and his legs would return to the same state as before, but seeing him standing in front of her, Bei Tinghuang still felt pleasantly surprised, "Great, my alliance The empire has another heavenly powerhouse!"

Ximen Bai walked over quickly, pulled Beitinghuang up, and hugged him in his arms. Brotherly love flowed in the hearts of the two. Ximen Bai couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and slammed Beiting Huang's body, "Xiao Jiu, thank you!"

With a muffled snort, Bei Tinghuang was caught off guard. He pushed Ximen Bai away, shrugged his shoulders and back, and couldn't help but grimace, "Brother, is this how you thank your benefactor?"

"Hahaha!" Ximen Bai laughed loudly, even Ximen Rong jumped up from the stool and hung on his shoulder like a little monkey, but he ignored it, hearty laughter overflowed from his chest, five years For five whole years, the humiliation I suffered was released from the bottom of my heart at this moment, and I just felt a burst of relief, "I never thought that I, Ximensong, would have a day to stand up and recover my strength. I really couldn't have imagined it!"

At the door, the steward rushed over after hearing the movement, stood at the door, and looked at this man, who was famous in Danska City, poor, desolate, with crippled legs, living like a dog, even a widow could bully him, No one thought that he would be a five-sword star spirit master, a powerful heavenly master on the mainland.

What is even more unexpected is that this man is actually one of the four great families that once shocked the mainland, the direct line of the Ximen family.The steward can hardly imagine that if this news gets out, how many hooligans in Danska City will be unable to sleep?

"Brother, now that your strength has recovered, I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm going to let Lightning send you back to Phoenix City. It seems that there is no need for it!" Beitinghuang said.

"Even if Big Brother returns to Huangcheng, he has to wait until tomorrow's alchemy conference is over. I won't go back until I see Xiao Jiu wins the championship." Ximen Bai pulled Ximen Rong from his shoulders, and said with a smile, "Oh, yes, Your super beast Lightning, he said that he hasn't come out for a long time, he wants to go out for a stroll, let me send you a message, saying that if you have something to do, call him!"

Hearing Ximenbai's words, Bei Tinghuang didn't react. The monsters in the space almost rebelled and wanted to come out for a stroll.Especially King Kong is the most urgent, "Master, the females in this space are too unlovable, can you be merciful and allow your lovely King Kong Ape to go to the human world, just to stroll around and taste human females?" Charm?"

(End of this chapter)

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