Chapter 1154

In the Shangzhi Hotel, the SVIP room has dedicated waiters to provide services. They saw Ximen Bai being carried in with their own eyes, and they also saw the housekeeper arrange for someone to sell him a wheelchair.But today, when the news that Mr. Moli had stood up again spread all over the sky, they saw Ximen Bai walking out of the room alone. This scene shocked everyone's eyes.

There was an uproar in the whole hotel.

Shangzhi Hotel is a top management hotel in the entire Central Continent, but today, all the waiters in the entire hotel chased the same customer and came to the restaurant.Immediately, the guests who lived inside were all amazed. After inquiring, they found out that another person whose muscles and bones had been broken for many years stood up again.

"Master Yuejiu lives here, what's so strange?"

"Oh my God, I really want to meet Lord Yuejiu!"

"Is Master Yuejiu someone you can meet whenever you want?"

Not only was the business of the hotel not affected, on the contrary, it was getting better and better because of this reason.Fortunately, after the steward sent the pills that Bei Tinghuang gave to Duomi Trading Company, and the news spread, the news that Duomi Trading Company possessed Tianling Pill and Poling Pill spread like wildfire, and became a popular topic for the entire Dans. Calgary, and even the entire continent, is the only one that has been rumored to have this kind of advanced medicine.

The pressure on Shangzhi Hotel was transferred.The threshold of Duomi Trading Company has also been breached. Some come to spend a lot of money to ask for pills, and some come to learn scriptures. After all, apart from Huangcheng, there is no rumor that any power has this kind of pill.

After all, how did Duomi Trading Company get in touch with Huangcheng, and obtain this kind of elixir that is only known in name but not in shape?

The head of Duomi Trading Company has arrived in Danska City. He is a man who looks to be in his early forties. He wears a double-breasted robe and has long hair. He is majestic and majestic. Mi Peng.

Mi Peng held two bottles of pills in his hand, one bottle of Tianling Pill and one bottle of Poling Pill, each bottle had as many as three pills.Needless to say the medicinal properties of this pill, as long as it is five-star and five-sword or above, after taking it, you can advance to star spiritual master and spiritual sect without any suspense.

Mi Peng is very aware of the value of these two bottles of pills on the mainland. Even if it is a heavenly pill, the major forces are willing to buy one even if they spend all their wealth. How is the pill refined?
"Master, do we need to take out one of these elixirs and let our alchemists study them?" The manager of Duomi Commercial Bank suggested that they had the opportunity to get the elixirs before other forces. Don't miss this great opportunity.

Mi Peng held the pill and shook his head, "Being able to become a Nine Swordsman at the age of 14, I heard that he is still a half-step god. Do you think such a person is an ordinary person? There are so many of us, so we don’t have to worry about us being able to imitate them at all. My Duomi Trading Company can stand on the mainland, in addition to being able to do business and make connections, it also depends on keeping one’s duty. Some small people can’t be offended, let alone someone like him big shot."

Obviously, the "he" in Mi Peng's mouth is Lord Yuejiu, and Lord Yuejiu is Lord Beitinghuang, and not many people know it now.They only knew about it because they dealt with the Shangzhi Chamber of Commerce.

The steward of Duomi Commercial Company knew very well that what his master said was very reasonable, so he hurriedly asked, "Then what about the precious medicinal materials?"

(End of this chapter)

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