The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1155 Master 9, the only one on the mainland

Chapter 1155 Nine young masters, the only one on the mainland

"Do as he said, and leave him the most rare medicinal materials. This time, I brought a ten thousand year swallowtail grass and sent it to Master Yuejiu. From now on, no matter what orders Master Yuejiu gives, he doesn't care You don't need to ask me what to do, just do it according to him!" After Mi Peng finished speaking, he put the two bottles of pills into his hands.

The steward was very surprised. According to this, wouldn't Lord Yuejiu have the same power in Duomi Firm as Lord Mi Peng?Doesn't Master Yuejiu have the right to be in charge of Domi Firm?
But the steward knows that with the alliance empire's thriving forces and the strength enough to run rampant on the mainland, how many forces want to attach to the alliance empire are not available.The manager never makes a wrong decision, and it is definitely the smartest choice for him to do so.

To Mi Peng's surprise, when the steward sent the Wannian Swallowtail Grass to Yuejiu, Yuejiu even generously sent ten earth elixir.This means that the younger generation of the entire family has improved their strength by a whole level.

While Mi Peng was pleasantly surprised, hard times are coming.

The bigwigs in those forces came to ask for the elixir in person, which made Mi Peng very distressed. He stomped his feet fiercely, "Master Yuejiu is kind, but the Chamber of Commerce is simply too cunning. For such a big matter, How can you say it casually? Isn't this pushing Duomi Trading Company into the pit of fire?"

Fortunately, the day of the Alchemy Conference is here!
Early the next morning, Duomi went to the meeting, the Chamber of Commerce, and other forces that wanted to get closer to the Alliance Empire, all arrived at the entrance of the Hotel.Of course, these people also saw Mo Li who was waiting at the door early in the morning.As the most favored disciple of the president of the alchemist guild, Mo Li knew almost everyone in the big powers on the mainland.

Everyone knows that Cao Shen has wanted this disciple to stand up again for many years, but he has been unable to do so.But yesterday, Master Yuejiu refined the Renewing Tendon Pill on the spot, which not only made Moli stand up, but also restored his strength to the same level as before.

There was finally movement at the door, and everyone's eyes turned to look over, their piercing gazes hoping to meet Master Yuejiu's eyes by chance in the air.

"Master Ninth, the chariots and horses have been prepared, and Master Moli has come, shall we go out now?" The steward of the Shangzhi Hotel personally sent Bei Tinghuang out.

And when he said "Ninth Young Master", everyone's ears froze immediately. "Master Nine"?This title is so familiar!On the mainland, why are all the people called "Ninth Young Masters" amazingly talented and brilliant? Should they also be called "Ninth Young Masters" in the future?
Wearing a black delicate robe, in the morning light, the nine-layered Bana flower embroidered on it followed the pace of Beitinghuang, raising waves of silver ripples. The petals overlapped, and under the refraction of the light, they seemed to bloom one after another.The black ponytail, like splashed ink, was tied with a purple silk ribbon, rippling behind him, dancing in the wind.

A silver mask covered most of his face, only revealing his delicate jaw and lightly pursed red lips, a pair of eyes as dark as the midnight starry sky, a pale golden light flashed from his eyes, Many people have a feeling of palpitations under this ray of light.

Why is this boy so familiar?They seem to have seen it somewhere!

"Lord Bei Tinghuang?" In the crowd, whoever it was, suddenly called out.

(End of this chapter)

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