The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1156 They said, are you Lord Beitinghuang?

Chapter 1156 They said, are you Lord Beitinghuang?
Everyone's brains had a flash of inspiration at this time, and they suddenly realized, Lord Beitinghuang, it turned out to be Lord Beitinghuang!It seems that this is normal, no matter what terrible things are done, as long as the person who does it is Bei Tinghuang, then it is a matter of course.

Therefore, after a day and night of depression, many people finally breathed a sigh of relief and complained.

"Let me just say, besides Master Bei Tinghuang, who else has this ability!"

"Oh, God, it turned out to be Master Bei Tinghuang, I was so scared to death, I thought another monster appeared out of nowhere!"

"One monster in Central Continent would be great. Do you want to see two more?"

"It's fine if it's Lord Bei Tinghuang, if it's someone else, I really can't stand it!"

Hearing these discussions, looking at the person in front of him, with a pair of familiar eyes, and casting a very familiar look at him, Mo Li called out tentatively, "Xiao Jiu?"

"It's me, Brother Moli!" Bei Tinghuang rushed to meet her, and said very naturally, "I'm sorry, I came out a little late!"

Last night, he entered the space and practiced in it for five days and five nights, which happened to be one night for the time flow of the Central Continent.Before coming out, I took a bath in the hot spring, accidentally fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was a little late.

"Xiao Jiu, they said, you are Lord Beitinghuang?" Mo Li still couldn't accept it, how could he be Beitinghuang?Who is Beitinghuang? The city lord of Huangcheng, the leader of the alliance empire, in Mo Li's mind, should be a high-ranking person, at least the kind of person who is very arrogant, but Xiao Jiu is not.

Xiao Jiu was the first person who didn't look at him with strange eyes. He had no mercy and was very equal. It seemed that he was very normal in a wheelchair. In Xiao Jiu's eyes, he even saw a hint of surprise.

Xiao Jiu has a very strong heart, and only such a person is qualified to become the leader of the alliance empire.Although he was also said to be amazingly talented, but compared to Xiao Jiu, he was really far behind.

When Bei Tinghuang heard Mo Li asking her about her identity, she was still very calm. He didn't have the embarrassment of hiding his identity from his friends.Because at the beginning, he didn't expect to make a friend like Mo Li, go to the alchemist union, and when he mentioned the name Yue Jiu, he also thought that it would be troublesome if the name Bei Ting Huang was reported.

After all, in the entire continent, only she and Yan Ye could refine the pills for assisting advancement, and he didn't want to be chased for pills.However, since his identity has been exposed, and he was followed by Zhu Lin yesterday, the latter must also know his identity, and he has nothing to hide.

"Brother Moli, I am Bei Tinghuang, and I didn't hide it on purpose." Bei Tinghuang stepped forward and took Moli's arm, "Originally, I planned to find a time to tell my identity to Big Brother, but Haven't had time yet!"

Seeing the swarming crowd, those who wanted to rush towards Bei Tinghuang as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, saw Bei Tinghuang as if they saw the gods in their hearts, and Mo Li could understand that Bei Tinghuang Tinghuang's original intention to conceal her identity.

"Fortunately, Xiao Jiu was not recognized by anyone yesterday. Otherwise, the two of us would probably be eaten by these people who are crazy about him when we walked on the street!" Mo Li shook his head with a smile, , under the protection of the guards of Shangzhi Hotel, got into the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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