The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1188 The No. 1 Tripod in the World

Chapter 1188

"This, this, isn't this the legendary Nine Star Cauldron?" On the stands, only Cao Shen, the president of the Central Continent Alchemist Union, could vaguely recognize it. This was once recorded in the "Gu Dan Lu" The Nine Star Cauldron was originally thought to be just a legend, but no one thought that they would be lucky enough to see it.

"My God, it's really the Nine Star Cauldron!"

The entire assembly site was almost boiling. Obviously, these people also saw the nine stars on the tripod. Among the entire Dan tripod, these nine stars were the most dazzling, which just showed the identity of the tripod. In ancient times, the nine-star cauldron used by the first alchemist under the seat of the spirit god.

Even Bei Tinghuang couldn't help coming forward to look at the tripod at this time, and walked around the tripod, looking very carefully.His actions made Zhu Lin very satisfied, and he also seemed a little arrogant.Arrogance has almost become a part of his temperament, which can be shown in every move and look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but this Nine-Star Cauldron might overwhelm you!" Zhu Lin's handsome face revealed an unconcealable pride.

He didn't even know that at this moment, Bei Tinghuang's sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode.Xiao Ding, who has always been aloof and arrogant, was screaming desperately in his mind at this time, "Let me out, master, you let me out, hmph, Jiuxing Ding, who dares to shout in front of this deity, I must call He knows what the best cauldron in the world is!"

Well, look, these magical beasts and spiritual pets of his are more and more arrogant one by one, where did they learn it?It's the "principal" and the "young master", so he is the grandson of the master?

Bei Tinghuang carefully looked at the structure and design of the tripod, touched his chin, and stood up in satisfaction. His dark eyes, like stars on a winter night, shone with a very strange light.For some reason, when Zhu Lin saw him like this, even if Bei Tinghuang didn't do anything, it made him feel horrified.

What does he want to do?Could it be that he still has the world's number one tungsten and gold four-beast tripod?What a joke, the tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron disappeared with the fall of the demon queen.Even if he found the tungsten gold four-beast cauldron, that kind of treasure that has already opened up its spiritual intelligence, it is not something that anyone can contract if they want to.

It's best that Bei Tinghuang should not take it out, otherwise, if he used the tungsten gold four beast tripod to refine these herbs, it would be a waste of money.It's a trivial matter whether there is a fire or not. If it ends in the end, the tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron explodes in anger, and it will even implicate him.

As Bei Tinghuang got up from the Nine Star Cauldron and returned to his own position, everyone's eyes followed Bei Tinghuang, wanting to see how Bei Tinghuang would turn defeat into victory in this round?
The young man was wearing a black robe flying in the wind, the Nine Layers of the Other Shore flower was shining brightly on his robe, and his long black hair was curled up wantonly.Everyone could only see the brilliance in his eyes, a faint golden light flashed, his hand was raised high, the white hand like jade, also lightly patted on the examination seat, a dark and indifferent tripod He appeared in front of everyone.

It was a big lump of gray, without the golden light of Jiuxingding, and it was not even as good as those tripods brought out by Moli and others. It had no burner, and no lid. The only difference from a large lump of iron was that, It has four legs and stands on the ground.

Even Bei Tinghuang himself was very surprised, when did his tungsten gold four beast cauldron become so ugly?The only explanation is that this guy, Xiao Ding, has started to be arrogant again.

(End of this chapter)

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