The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1189 You are the stuff, your whole family is stuff!

Chapter 1189 You are the stuff, your whole family is stuff!
"This, this, what is this... thing?" Ren Zhulin was so close, he also walked up to Xiao Ding, turned around twice, and didn't see what it was.

Bei Tinghuang wanted to cry but had no tears, isn't this shameful?She raised her hand to her forehead, and he could clearly hear the discussions in the stands. If it wasn't for his power, these people would have laughed out loud.

Xiao Ding is childish, he just threw him out a little too late, as for such a temper tantrum?

At this time, only Bei Tinghuang could hear Xiao Ding scolding Zhu Lin in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Xiao Mian, how dare you say what the young master is, you are the thing, and your whole family is the thing!"

Bei Tinghuang really wanted to say, you made such an iron lump yourself, it didn't even have the most basic appearance of a danding, how do you let others see that you are not a thing?However, Bei Tinghuang would not dare to say this even if he was beaten to death. When this little thing got angry, he would cry, make trouble, hang himself, lose his temper and go on strike at every turn, and he would not dare to provoke him.

No one could recognize what it was, Zhu Lin didn't see it after watching it for a long time, but on the stands, everyone was startled by the iron lump at first, and slowly saw the name, and couldn't help but feel a little impatient, whispering The whispers also grew louder.

Many people were a little dissatisfied, feeling like they were being tricked.

"Master Bei Tinghuang wouldn't be without Dan Ding, right? This kind of joke is not funny."

"Although the alchemy cauldron yesterday is not as good as the Jiuxing cauldron, it is at least stronger than this iron lump!"

"That's right! At least it's much stronger than this iron lump!"

"Hahaha, I really gained my knowledge today. It turns out that the most remarkable Danding in the Central Continent looks like this!" Guan Yang laughed out loud, feeling that he finally let out a bad breath.

"Don't tell me, this Dan Ding can change its appearance by itself, then it will become a magic weapon!" Lu Ji also struck while the iron was hot, helping her beside her, laughing until her voice changed.

Bei Tinghuang felt ashamed, so she had to say to Xiao Ding in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, "Whether you are the best in the world or not, you can't say it with your mouth, but rely on your own strength. Time makes people look down on me, I can't help it!"

The child was indeed a child, and when he heard what Bei Tinghuang said, he also snorted coldly, "Tell them to see my true skills!"

At this moment, the worthless iron lump in everyone's eyes suddenly exuded a simple and simple aura. Compared with the Jiuxingding, this aura was many times stronger. The breath coming from it suddenly stopped, and all the voices stopped, and the eyes were fixed on the small cauldron, and the eyeballs almost fell out.

Zhu Lin was frightened by this aura and took a step back. A look of horror appeared in his eyes, and he almost couldn't believe that the iron lump in front of him was slowly changing its shape.

The tripod is black and lacquered, and the round tripod body is engraved with simple and complicated patterns. Under the tripod body, there are four thick square feet with arcs, on which are engraved the patterns of ancient mythical beasts. Eighteen hollow holes.

"Tungsten...tungsten gold!" Stuttering out these words, Zhu Lin would never have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. But there is nothing wrong with the material being tungsten gold.Zhu Lin let out a heavy breath, he felt that his heart could not bear the pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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