The genius ninth miss

Chapter 1190 Nobody Can Conquer Tungsten Gold 4 Beast Cauldrons

Chapter 1190 No one can subdue the tungsten gold four-beast cauldron
Tungsten gold is said to be a meteorite in the sky. It has been tempered countless times by the starlight universe, and finally obtained by the mother of the earth, the creation god, and used the power of creation to forge it into a ding ding.The four ancient beasts above are said to be the four guardian gods of the Demon Spirit Hall, and at this time, in Zhu Lin's eyes, he indeed saw the four guardian gods with his own eyes: Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

This is the tungsten-gold four-beast tripod, it is the tungsten-gold four-beast tripod, it turned out to be the tungsten-gold four-beast tripod!

The tungsten gold four-beast tripod is the Dan tripod used by the mother of the earth, and it is the best tripod in the world.This cauldron is said to be the highest formation engraved by the Mother of the Earth. Once the cauldron recognizes its owner, as long as the owner refines it and the medicinal materials are qualified, the rank of the elixir will be directly raised by one rank.That is to say, if Bei Tinghuang is a fifth-rank pharmacist, he can use sixth-rank medicinal materials to refine sixth-rank elixir, even if his flame is just ordinary sky fire.

What's more, the flame of Beitinghuang is the nine-color Nirvana fire of the extreme fire of heaven and earth.Even if he is only a heaven rank now, it is easy to refine a god rank, even a lord rank pill.

Hearing the word "tungsten gold", almost everyone in the stands jumped up.It is no secret that the tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron is in the entire Central Continent.For thousands of years, I don't know how many times it has changed hands, and no alchemist can subdue it.Gradually, everyone was not interested in it, but it definitely didn't mean that he wasn't the legendary Dan Ding.

Guan Yang also jumped up from his seat, and shouted without hesitation, "Tungsten Gold Four Beast Cauldron? The Dan Cauldron used by Mother Earth?"

"Oh my god, is there any mistake? The tungsten gold four-beast tripod is actually in the Central Continent!" Lu Ji was also very surprised. She did not expect that her master, Princess Xifeng of the Wild West, spent tens of thousands of years looking for it in 33 days. Who knew that when the Devil Emperor tore the world of Lubisi apart, it was also left behind on the Central Continent.

"If I kill this brat and get the tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron, after I go back, the princess concubine may give me a background and help me become one of the four wives." Lu Ji couldn't help but think in her heart.

His Royal Highness Mingxiu, the Prince of the Spirit God Clan, originally had a blood contract with the Devil Emperor's wife, the little princess Huang Jiu of the Great Wild West, but the little princess Huang Jiu was detained by the Devil Emperor, and was forced to marry the Devil Emperor in the end. end.

Dahuangxidi didn't want to break the promise of the Spirit God Clan, so he had to marry the eldest princess Xifeng to the prince of the Spirit God Clan as his concubine.

"His Royal Highness accepts four wives, and the fourth wives were executed by the concubine because they seduced the prince without authorization, so there is just one more quota. His highness has already been lucky enough to take the place of the fourth wives, and I must be the fourth wives." Lu Ji thought to herself, " The tungsten-gold four-beast cauldron used to belong to Princess Huangjiu, and when Princess Huangjiu fell, the next owner should be Princess Xifeng, and letting this stinky brat come out would just happen to return it to the original owner."

If it was the Mingyan Ding that ranked second, or the Fuxi Ding that ranked third, then Zhu Lin might have to beat his chest, but now, if Bei Tinghuang brought out a tungsten gold four-beast tripod When Zhu Lin was amazed, he just wanted to laugh.

And the people on the stage sighed unceasingly when they saw that it was a tungsten gold four-beast cauldron.After all, all the pharmacists in the entire Central Continent know that for ten thousand years, no one has subdued the tungsten gold four-beast cauldron.

Ximen Bai also sighed, "If I knew it earlier, I would have used my Tianji tripod for Xiao Jiu. Although it is not as good as the Jiuxing tripod, it is still better than this tungsten gold four-beast tripod."

(End of this chapter)

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