The genius ninth miss

Chapter 973 Why Don't I Like It?

Chapter 973 Why Don't I Like It?
If it were someone else, he would probably be scared to death at this time, but Yu Rongge is different from ordinary people. Instead, he calmed down and looked at Bei Tinghuang with a pair of expectant eyes, thinking silently in his heart, I have admired you for a long time ,And you?

"Puff, cough, cough!" Bei Tinghuang was not intimidated by Tianyi and Yuner's speechless words, but was stunned by Yu Rongge's direct eyes.

Both Bei Tingjing and Chu Feng stepped over in one step, and both embraced Bei Tinghuang in their arms. The tall figures of the two stood in front of Bei Tinghuang like a wall. Staring at Yu Rongge, he wished to see two big holes in him.

"What are you doing? Xiao Jiu is a boy, don't you know?" Bei Tingjing said without conscience.

Seeing that Yu Rongge was still crooked, trying to look at Bei Tinghuang through the two of them, Chu Feng raised his fist angrily, and punched Yu Rongge, "If you still want to watch, I will send you Eyes are blinded!"

Chu Feng punched down and hit Yu Rongge's left eye.He didn't mobilize Yuanli, but his own body was very strong. With this punch, Yu Rongge's eyes, which were originally so beautiful, became panda eyes.

Tianyi and Yuner are Yu Rongge's personal guards. At this time, they knelt on the ground, but remained indifferent.

The people in the entire hall held their breath and looked at the two people on the ground, at Chu Feng and Beitingjing, and at Yu Rongge with a pair of incomprehensible eyes.What is rhythm?Young master Yu Rongge confessed to the city lord?Also, no matter how they looked at it, why did they feel that Tian Yi and Yun Er did it on purpose?
Oh my god, there are still subordinates of the pit master in the world, it's too scary!
You know, this is not betraying the master, this is cheating face to face!

"So what's the matter if it's a boy? Why don't I like it? Besides, isn't the city lord also on good terms with His Royal Highness the Night King? What's the point of having me?" Yu Rongge was punched and smashed the jar He straightened his neck and stood on tiptoe, trying to pass the two tall men, Bei Ting Jing and Chu Feng. Looking at Bei Ting Huang, he said sincerely, "City Lord, believe it or not, I am here The first time I saw you in the World of Warcraft Forest, I fell in love with you!"

love at first sight?Emma, ​​this is not a bowl of dog's blood, it's clearly a bowl of chicken's blood!

The entire iron-blooded team, as well as Lenny's gang, stared at these people with piercing eyes, hoping to hear more exciting words from their mouths.No matter a man or a woman, the heart of gossip is simply unstoppable.

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to make a move again, Su Luoer couldn't help but shook her head amusedly. She stepped forward and held Chu Feng's hand with Xiangxiang's thin hands, "Master Chu Feng, young Mu Ai, I didn't expect that Young Master Yurongge was still I'm a man of temperament. I don't know what His Highness the Night King will think when he finds out?"

That's right, if His Royal Highness Ye Wang knew that he had such a big potential rival in love, wouldn't he be unable to resist taking the initiative against Yu Rongge?Look at the domineering appearance of His Royal Highness the King of the Night during the siege today, oh no, he killed the Seven Swordsman almost without showing up.

Young Master Yu Rongge, how many rounds can she survive in front of His Royal Highness the Night King?

Tianyi and Yuner couldn't straighten up a little bit, like a puddle of mud, soft on the ground.Almost in a single thought, the two of them were drenched in a layer of cold sweat, they were frightened.Damn it, I originally wanted to use the hands of Young Master Bei Tingjing and Captain Chu Feng to teach the young master a lesson and make him sober up, but who knew, he actually got into trouble with His Royal Highness the King of the Night.

(End of this chapter)

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