The genius ninth miss

Chapter 974 Alliance Empire, Long Live the Great Leader!

Chapter 974 Alliance Empire, Long Live the Great Leader!

Almost everyone looked at Yu Rongge with deep pity and pity.Could it be that this forbidden love was doomed to die before it even started?

Yu Rongge's complexion also changed again and again, and finally, amidst a trace of paleness, he took on a firm look. He clenched his fists tightly, as stubborn as a donkey, staring into Su Luoer's eyes, sneering and saying, "Hmph, don't think you're scaring me with His Highness the Night King, I don't know. If His Highness the Night King really loves the City Lord, he shouldn't want to occupy it alone, but should respect the City Lord's choice."

Bei Ting Jing was always a calm person, but at this moment, his chest heaved violently, and he didn't even pause for a moment, as if he would be suffocated to death if he was not careful.He was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

It was the same for Chu Feng, only the two of them knew Bei Tinghuang's identity, she was a girl, not a boy as people on the mainland saw.Does a girl still have to be like those emperors, with one empress and three concubines, and 36 concubines?

Yu Rongge is looking for death!
Su Luoer was also laughed angrily, she blinked her talking eyes, and finally smiled slowly, "You should find a chance to tell His Royal Highness the Night King about this!"

Bei Tinghuang was also extremely speechless, and touched her nose. After all, this farce was caused by her. She pulled Chu Feng and Bei Tingjing, who were very angry, behind her, and sang to Yu Rong, "Young Master Yu! Lord, let’s talk about this kind of thing later! The Alliance Empire is still just a blueprint, if you have nothing to do with the Sky Cloud Sect, please help my cousin to build the Alliance Empire.”

Yu Rongge said those words out of a desperate mood. He thought that he would be disgusted by Bei Tinghuang, but he didn't expect that Bei Tinghuang simply said it and didn't take it to heart.At this moment, when he heard that Bei Tinghuang had arranged a task for him, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he began to jump for joy again, "Okay, of course!"

Chu Feng couldn't get used to Yu Rongge anymore, but after getting along with him for a few months, this kid's strength is not bad, and his ability to handle affairs is also very strong. Now that he has an extra free helper, why not do it?He will no longer object!

Bei Tingjing glared at Yu Rongge fiercely, the warning in his eyes was very obvious, as long as this kid dared to have unreasonable thoughts about Xiao Jiu, he would not care about his status as a young master.

Su Luoer's eyes fell on Bei Tinghuang. She is also a beautiful woman, but I have to say that the city lord is more beautiful, and I can't blame Young Master Yu for being so obsessed. She shook her head with a smile and said, "City lord , since we are going to build an alliance empire, we can no longer call you the city lord in the future, so we should think of a better and more domineering title, why not call you the chief?"

big boss?
Almost everyone is chewing these three words in their hearts. They are indescribably domineering, and only these three words can match their regiment leader, city lord, and today's big leader.

I don't know who it is, raised the weapon in my hand and cheered, "Allied Empire, long live the great leader!"

The entire hall, including the people brought by Lenny, also cheered together at this time, "Allied Empire, long live the leader!"

Chu Feng and Bei Tingjing looked at each other, and the joy could not be restrained from their eyes. No one could have imagined that their Xiaojiu could make it to this day.

The two lifted the Beitinghuang and threw it into the air, and they also cheered, "Big boss, our big boss!"

Everyone in Iron Blood surrounded them, and Lenny also rushed over with people to celebrate this glorious moment that belongs to Iron Blood, Phoenix City, and Beitinghuang!

(End of this chapter)

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