The genius ninth miss

Chapter 982 In my eyes, you are already a dead person

Chapter 982 In my eyes, you are already a dead person
This man is really interesting!Even Bei Tinghuang couldn't help but look at this person with admiration. This person should be a street gangster in Astava City. He looks inconspicuous and disgusting, but in fact, this kind of person has a very good way of survival. Resilience and perseverance require Much stronger than others.

However, what this kind of person lacks is just an opportunity.

"Four Venerables, this is not easy! With the establishment of the Alliance Empire, the original Four Great Council Elders in Huangcheng will naturally be called the Four Great Venerables." Everyone's appetites were aroused, and in the end it was so simple, a truth that could be figured out on the knees, this person was very proud, and he burst out laughing after he finished speaking.

The crowd around this person looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, and they didn't know what they were thinking in their hearts. In short, they looked at this person's eyes very unkindly, with a look of embarrassment turning into anger.Obviously, they all felt that they had been teased by this man.

Even though, the reasoning is indeed very simple, but this person laughing so loudly is clearly the rhythm of laughing at everyone, naked hatred, who would not complain?
"Pfft!" Mu Qingling was so teased by this man that she couldn't help laughing out loud, and then thought that the other party was a man, so she felt embarrassed and moved two steps towards Beitinghuang.

Bei Tinghuang smiled and shook her head, but before she could look away from the man, she heard Bei Tingyi threatening the man viciously, gnashing her teeth, "Four great lords, hmph, it's just a few loess buried up to the neck. Old man, what qualifications do you have to be honored as a venerable? I think you don’t want to live anymore, so you came here to deceive the public!”

"Buried the loess up to the neck?" Bei Tinghuang sneered, she turned her head slowly, and shot Bei Tingyi with her eyes like a cold arrow. If she dared to say that about her grandfather, she would have to have the consciousness of death, "A god, who Are you qualified to say that he was buried up to his neck with loess? Even the King of Hades is not qualified, not to mention you, Bei Tingyi, in the eyes of my young master, you are already a dead person!"

Bei Tingyi's whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but take two steps back, but seeing the temple warriors gradually gathering, those who survived the great battle in the holy city were all powerful Tian Jie, plus his father Bei Ting Huan, Seven Swords Star Spirit Master, and a divine beast bestowed by the gods, there are more than ten people in total.

He must get a Breaking God Pill, and only by advancing to the rank of God can he have the hope of revenge.

Bei Tinghuang beheaded his grandfather, and once the great elder of the Bei Ting family took away the position of Patriarch who originally belonged to his father. If his father can inherit the position of Patriarch of the Bei Ting family, he will be a direct line of the four great families. As for being like today, hiding everywhere and living like a beggar?
"Xiao Jiu, there are so many of them!" Mu Qingling took Bei Tinghuang's sleeve and looked around. The people onlookers backed away, and those who surrounded them were all warriors of the Temple of Judgment who were determined to capture Bei Tinghuang.

Bei Tinghuang's contemptuous eyes fell on Bei Ting Huan and his son lightly. The disdainful, contemptuous, dead-like eyes made Bei Ting Huan and his son grit their teeth with hatred. A Nine Swords Star Spiritualist, what qualifications do they have? Look down on people like this?
Wandering around, desolate like wandering souls, the father and son's understanding of Beitinghuang was still at the time when they escaped from the Beiting family. They never thought that Beitinghuang was already a three-sword spirit sect.However, at this time, if someone told them that Beitinghuang was already a Three Swords Spiritual Sect, they probably wouldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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