The genius ninth miss

Chapter 983 Little 9, what kind of beast is this?

Chapter 983 Xiao Jiu, what kind of beast is this?
After all, no one will be promoted from a one-sword spirit sect to a three-sword spirit sect within a month.This is almost impossible in the Central Continent.

Even if Beitinghuang has the kind of technique that can destroy the Holy City, Beitinghuan and his son are not afraid.That kind of big move is too destructive and is only suitable for use in the enemy's camp.And what is this place?It is Astava City, the headquarters of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group.Who is Bei Tinghuang?She is the kind of person who values ​​loyalty, hurts herself, and will never hurt her friends.

Therefore, Bei Ting Huan and his son would rather believe that the sky is raining red, and they would never believe that Bei Ting Huang would use his big move in Astava City and destroy Astava City.

Bei Tinghuan and his son can only say that they are so lucky, they are so lucky.They never expected that they would meet Beitinghuang in Astava City and be able to round her up.Even, they are [-]% sure that they can kill Beitinghuang here.Use her head to exchange for the God-breaking Pill of the Temple of Judgment.

"Brothers, do you want to become a god? Grab Beitinghuang and kill her, and the Temple of Judgment will give us the reward of breaking the gods!" The morale of the entire temple warriors.

Mu Qingling followed closely beside Bei Tinghuang. She counted them, and there were thirteen people in total.The strength is stronger than her own, which also means that these people are at least heaven-ranked.And Beiting Huan, who used to be the deacon of the Beiting family, is definitely not weak, at least he is Gao Jian Xingchen Lingshi, can Xiao Jiu kill them?

"Ling'er, are you afraid?" Bei Tinghuang felt Mu Qingling's timidity, and her heart ached.In Luobei City, Mu Qingling and her predecessor were bullied too hard. Until now, when encountering other people's difficulties, she would habitually feel afraid. ability. "Summon your monsters, put your body in armor, protect yourself, and watch me send these people to hell one by one!"

"Arrogance!" Bei Tinghuan sneered, and he raised his hand slightly, the light blue energy fluctuations on his body pervaded his whole body, star patterns appeared under his feet, and a powerful divine beast came out from the flickering silver light.

At first glance, it looks like a unicorn, with a head like a lion, manes on the neck like steel needles, horns on the head, and a layer of pale golden scales covering the whole body. It has three toes and sharp claws like hooks. Behind him is a tail like a dragon's tail, and a pair of anthropomorphic eyes, like a fierce god, staring at Bei Tinghuang and the other two, saying, "These are the two judges of God? When you meet this king today, it will be the time of your death." !"

The tone was loud, of course, which greatly boosted the morale of the other party. Hearing this monster, he spoke as soon as he came out. Shen Guang, it seems that Beitinghuang is dead.

"Sacred Beast! Xiao Jiu, what kind of divine beast is this?" Mu Qingling has never seen this kind of divine beast before, and only feels that the opponent's power is exceptionally strong. She has already summoned the blood-eyed demon ape armor, and she doesn't know if it is. The blood-eyed demon ape has followed Mu Qingling for too long, and the majestic seven-star beast is not as powerful as this monster.

Most of the onlookers were local residents of Astava City, perhaps influenced by the snow wolf, they supported Beitinghuang psychologically.Therefore, after seeing this powerful monster, he couldn't help worrying about Beitinghuang.

(End of this chapter)

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