The genius ninth miss

Chapter 997 I have something good to give you!

Chapter 997 I have something good to give you!
This friendship, also in Bei Tinghuang's heart, burned like a flame, burning her heart warmly.Bei Tinghuang didn't say anything, just stretched out her hand and held Qin Yu's hand tightly, "Okay, big brother, let's fight side by side!"

Seeing that the two were getting more and more "excessive", Qin Duan was so angry that his face turned green, is there any end?Just talk, can't you be good?We have only fought side by side, how do we want to fight side by side?

The two of them walked for a while, and the reminiscences were almost finished, so Qin Yu asked, "Xiao Jiu, are you here to see me?"

Qin Duan followed behind, and when he heard Qin Yu's question, he murmured in his heart, "No, you must say no, Master Beitinghuang is so busy, how could he have time to see you brat...".

Unexpectedly, the sky failed to fulfill the wishes of people, and before Qin Duan had time to pray to the God of Creation, he heard Huang Qingyue's voice from Beiting Huang Qingyue coming from afar, "Yes, Brother Qin Yu, I am going to Yancheng this trip , came here specially to see you!"

This place is close to the Temple of Judgment, and thinking of Bei Tinghuang's identity, she was wanted by the Temple of Judgment. She even ignored that this was the sphere of influence of the Temple of Judgment, and came to see him.Qin Yu was so moved that he didn't know what to say, "Fool, don't you look at where this place is, look at how dangerous it is today?"

"What's the danger? Wasn't the ray of soul power of that shitty Judgment God killed by my monster?" Thinking that ten thousand years ago, her spirit was also captured by the spirit god clan and the eldest princess of the Great Wild West. Collusion, soul flying away, if Yanye hadn't spent thousands of years and energy of several reincarnations to reincarnate her soul together, perhaps, she would really disappear from this world.

In this life, she must return this hatred to them thousands of times!

However, at this time, seeing her good friend again, Bei Tinghuang was very happy, "Brother Qin Yu, I have something good to give you!"

After Bei Tinghuang finished speaking, he took out two jade bottles from the interspatial ring and stuffed them into his hands. Two different fragrances flew into Qin Yu's nose. He felt refreshed. He looked down, It's two bottles of pills.

"What kind of elixir?" This elixir is definitely not low-level. Qin Yu, who has been traveling all over the world, can guess that it is the top-grade elixir just by relying on these two fragrances. He opened the bottle stopper, looked inside, and suddenly, Shocked with shock, the jade bottle almost fell to the ground, "Broken, broken spirit pill?"

Hearing the words "Breaking Spirit Pill", Qin Duan was so shocked that his legs and feet went limp, and he threw himself on the ground. Tai Nuo and Lei Kedo, who were used to Bei Tinghuang's big hands and feet, quickly supported him.Hmph, if the head of the group knew that the monsters equipped by the members of the group were all sent by His Excellency Bei Tinghuang, would he be scared to death?
"Breaking Spirit Pill? Could it be that Master Bei Tinghuang is still a pill pharmacist?" Qin Duan was so frightened that he felt uneasy, and asked the two people beside him shamelessly.

Tai Nuo scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, "I don't know if it's the pharmacist, or not, as long as the young master wants, Master Beitinghuang will get it for him."

It's better not to say this!The more he said, Qin Duan's heart hurt badly.Really want to break the rhythm of his Qin family's incense!Two big men, just drink a big bowl and eat meat. Is it necessary to be so affectionate and affectionate, without any taboos?As long as Qin Yu wanted, Lord Bei Tinghuang could get it for him, it was even more uncomfortable than taking a sharp knife to goug his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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