The genius ninth miss

Chapter 998 Too precious!

Chapter 998 Too precious!
Qin Duan gave these two guys a hard look, okay, so soon he started to say good things for Master Bei Tinghuang, what benefit did he get from that guy?He snorted coldly, "How nice to say, could it be that if Yu'er wants to break the god pill, she Bei Tinghuang can get it for him? Even if I get it, I don't want it!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Beitinghuang's silver bell-like voice, and said to Qin Yu with a smile, "There is still one bottle, open it and have a look!"

Qin Yu put away this bottle of broken spirit pill, his hands were trembling, his heart was more excited than facing the phantom that was so powerful that it was hard to match just now, his mind was not clear for a while, and he pulled out another bottle of jade bottle A more intense fragrance came to the nostrils, and a golden elixir rolled inside. On the round elixir, a looming golden dragon could be seen entwined, tightly locking the huge energy in it.

"Bro, Break God Pill?" Qin Yu's hand shook, and the jade bottle fell from his hand.

"Oh!" The person who was still saying a second ago, even if Bei Tinghuang gave him the Poshen Pill, he didn't want it. Can't help but scream out loud.

This exclamation immediately caused Rector and Tainuo to roll their eyes. Who is this?
Fortunately, Bei Tinghuang's skill is too much to say. She moved her hand down and held the jade bottle in her hand. She stared at Qin Yu with a pair of bright eyes, and the playful expression in her eyes was particularly obvious, "Qin Yu Brother, are you ready to accept the gift from the little brother? Even if you don’t want it, you shouldn’t throw it away!”

Bei Ting Huang's bulging appearance is the real young man who hasn't grown up. Immediately, Qin Yu's heart softened to the point of dripping water. He gently scratched Bei Ting Huang's nose and said dotingly, " He clearly knew that Brother Qin Yu didn't do it on purpose, but he still said that! But..." Qin Yu said seriously, "The Breaking God Pill is really too precious!"

Breaking God Pill, does she know how much sensation the Breaking God Pill has caused on the mainland?How many forces have already started to sell their assets, and entrusted major chambers of commerce and forces with good relations with Huangcheng, just to ask for a God-breaking pill from Huangcheng?

Because of the relationship between Qin Yu and Bei Tinghuang, the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group has already been targeted by various forces. Every day, several groups of people come to intercede, hoping that Snow Wolf can come forward to help matchmaking. All the treasures were placed in front of Snow Wolf.

But this little guy only had two God-breaking Pills, and she even thought about it for Qin Yu. If there was only one, he might give it to his father, Qin Duan.

After all, Qin Duan is older than him, and his desire to advance to the rank of God is more urgent than him.

"Brother Qin Yu, you have to!" After Bei Tinghuang finished speaking, she leaned into Qin Yu's ear and said triumphantly, "I made this Breaking God Pill myself!"

With rapid breathing, Qin Yu's chest swelled up like a bellows.No one heard what Bei Tinghuang said to Qin Yu, but only saw Qin Yu's face flushed, as if he had been molested.

Seeing that Qin Duan's heart twitched, he couldn't be making an appointment, could he?

Rector and Tai Nuo didn't think as much as Qin Duan, they both stared at Bei Tinghuang with a pair of curious eyes, they knew very well that the young master must have been shocked by Master Bei Tinghuang's strength.I couldn't help but have an urge to go forward and ask for clarification.

Indeed, every time we meet, Master Bei Tinghuang is so sturdy that it is shocking and dizzying!
 Chapter 999, I wish my little fairies to be happy and happy for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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