You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1594 The beggar is so pitiful

Chapter 1594 The beggar is so pitiful
Not to mention, Qiqi really has a lot of troubles, and now she starts to care about others.

An Nuan walked over and took Qiqi's hand to stop her from talking, didn't you see that the children's faces turned dark?

"I'm sorry, but my daughter is talkative and can't see anyone." An Nuan smiled and said to Leng's mother, "Don't mind, she likes your child, I don't think she usually talks so much of."

Leng Yiran's mother quickly shook her head, "No, I don't mind at all. Your daughter is very cute. If only I had such a cute daughter." After finishing speaking, she showed a regretful expression.

Her body is weak, and after giving birth to Leng Yi, she can no longer reproduce. She has always liked girls, but now she has no chance to be a mother again.

So every time she sees the little girl, she likes and is very happy, especially Xiao Qiqi is so cute and weird, it's hard not to like it.

An Nuan saw the regret in Leng's mother's expression, so she didn't continue the topic, but said: "My daughter is too noisy, has she interrupted your meal? Qi Qi, say goodbye to auntie and little brother, we are going to eat ’” They had just eaten half of it.

Seeing that Xiao Qiqi was quite reluctant to part with this little brother, she reluctantly waved at Leng: "Brother Ran, don't forget that my name is Qiqi, you must remember my name, if we meet again in the future , it means that we are very destined, when the time comes, we will be able to play together."

Leng resolutely nodded, but was very cooperative with Qiqi's words, "Okay, goodbye."

After returning to her place, Qi Qi still kept looking at the mother and son, of course, she mainly looked at Leng Yiran.

An Nuan put something in her bowl and knocked on her bowl, "Hurry up and eat, what are you looking at?"

Qi Qi turned her head and pursed her lips in displeasure, "I want to have dinner with Brother Ran."

They each have a table for two, of course the four of them can't eat together, and besides, they can't change seats at will when eating hot pot.

"Didn't you just say that if you have a fate to play together in the future, then you should eat well now and talk about it next time you have a fate."

Qiqi: ...

If I had known she would not have said this, maybe I would have had a meal with Brother Ran if I hadn't.

Although she was still thinking about Brother Ran in her heart, after An Nuan picked up a lot of meat for her, Xiao Qiqi's attention was attracted by the delicious meat in the bowl, and she completely forgot about her Brother Ran.

So, the foodie daughter is still very easy to handle, isn't it?

After eating, An Nuan took Xiao Qiqi to go shopping, Xiao Qiqi didn't like being at home, and always thought it was too boring at home.

If left, right, and right are at home, she won't come out to play. She just grabs her two brothers to play, and when left, right, and right are not at home, she always wants to fly outside like a bird.

"Mommy, that person is so scary." Xiao Qiqi suddenly took An Nuan's hand and kept getting behind her, showing a timid expression.

An Nuan glanced forward, and it turned out that there was a beggar lying on his stomach begging in front.

The beggar looked very deformed, one of his two legs looked normal, and the other was exposed like a stick of bone. It looked like a very thin wooden stick, and the weather was quite cold now. But he just exposed that leg to the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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