You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1595 I always like women

Chapter 1595 I always like women

Seeing such a scene, An Nuan couldn't bear it.

She knows that many beggars nowadays are deceitful, using their physical disabilities to deceive people's sympathy, but An Nuan feels that even if they are deceitful, they should show some sympathy.

After all, you, a normal person, are much happier than a disabled person anyway, right?

"Mommy, why are his legs like this?" Xiao Qiqi raised her head and asked in puzzlement.

An Nuan rubbed her hair and said, "Mommy doesn't know, maybe something happened."

"Mummy, isn't he very pitiful?" Xiao Qiqi saw the bowl in front of that person, grabbed An Nuan's hand and said, "Mummy, can we give him some money?"

Qiqi is so compassionate, of course An Nuan is very happy.

But she doesn't want her daughter to only know how to sympathize with others blindly, and sometimes she should get to know the reality of this society.

"Qiqi, this man is very pitiful, we can give him some money. But Mommy tells you, not all beggars are pitiful. Some beggars look pitiful to you, but they may be pretending. They He pretended to be pitiful on purpose, just to get us to give him money. He just got something for nothing. Perhaps, his family will be very rich and live in a big villa. So even if you want to give money, don’t give too much , as long as you give me a few coins. You can do it if you want, understand?" An Nuan knelt down and looked at Qi Qi and said to her.

Qiqi blinked her eyes, she didn't quite understand An Nuan's words, but she understood the last sentence, don't give them too much money.

"Why can't you give a lot? Isn't it too little to just give a few dollars?" Qiqi now has a certain understanding of money, knowing that a few dollars can't buy anything at all.

"A few dollars is not much, but you have to know, if everyone gave him a few dollars, wouldn't it be a lot? Anyway, you just need to remember what Mommy said now. When you grow up, you will naturally understand what Mommy said. Mi's words." An Nuan stood up and didn't say any more.

When passing the beggar, Qiqi gave the change that An Nuan gave her to that person, and the person thanked Qiqi repeatedly.

When Qiqi heard that person say "thank you" to her, she also felt very happy in her heart, jumping up and down while walking.

"Mommy, he said thank you to me."

Seeing Qiqi's eyes narrowed with a smile, An Nuan asked amusedly, "Are you so happy?"

"Well, Qiqi is very happy. Qiqi is doing a good deed, isn't she? Mommy, it turns out that doing a good deed makes people happy."

"Of course, so if Qiqi encounters something good that you can do in the future, you should do it, you know?"

"I know Mommy, I want to be a good person and do good things often."

"That's right, Qi Qi is really good."

"President, this is the interview material from the personnel department in the afternoon. Please look it over." Secretary Li handed the document to Rong Jing, "President, you have a project to discuss with Mr. Zhang tomorrow. Where do you think it would be more appropriate to make an appointment?"

Rong Jing took the document and looked at it. After hearing Secretary Li's question, she answered casually: "Anywhere is fine. What does Mr. Zhang like?"

"Mr. Zhang likes..." Secretary Li paused, "I like women."

Hearing this, Rong Jing raised her head to look at Secretary Li, and just stared at him, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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