You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1691 Rescue

Chapter 1691 Rescue
"Yanyan..." An Nuan walked over quickly, Shan Yanyan raised her head after hearing her voice, her eyes were red and swollen, her face was full of tears, she looked very pitiful.

"Nuan Nuan..." Shan Yanyan stood up and hugged An Nuan, hugged her and burst into tears, "Nuan Nuan, what should I do, if the promise is good or bad, I won't live anymore. Nuan Nuan , It's all my fault, why did I come to this place, I hate myself so much, I, I..." She hiccupped non-stop as she spoke, unable to even speak.

Seeing Shan Yanyan like this, An Nuan felt very distressed, and patted her on the back to comfort her: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, promise will be fine, he will be fine."

An Nuan didn't know what happened to Xu Nuo, but from Shan Yanyan's words, it seemed that Xu Nuo had an accident when he was looking for her.

After Shan Yanyan calmed down, An Nuan asked her about the cause and effect of the incident.

It turned out that Shan Yanyan was really trapped in the mudslide. She was in a relatively hidden place, and there was no signal. She couldn't even call for help. She had no choice but to wait.She waited there for a whole day and night, but no rescuers came. Later, she said that she heard the voice of promise. ,

At that time, she thought that she was hallucinating, but after a while, she really saw the promise.

Shan Yanyan was trapped in a cliff-like place, she couldn't get up, and the people below couldn't get down either.

It took Xu Nuo a lot of effort to finally get to the bottom. When he went up, Xu Nuo went up with Shan Yanyan on his back, because Shan Yanyan's leg was injured.

It took them almost an hour to climb the cliff that was only a few meters short, but just as they finally reached the top, a new round of mudslides came again.

Xu Nuo quickly left that place with her behind his back, and later, at a critical moment, Xu Nuo protected her on his body, but he was hit by a rolling stone.

After being sent to the hospital, the doctor saw Xu Xu's situation and said it was very dangerous, and asked Shan Yanyan to be mentally prepared.

"I'm too capricious. I shouldn't have left without saying a word. No matter what happens, I should discuss it with Xu Nuo. I..." Thinking of what Xu Nuo said to her before she fell into a coma, Shan Yanyan became even more incredulous. blamed himself.

It was not his fault that he promised to have such an idea, and her wife also failed to fulfill her responsibilities, and she could not blame him for all the mistakes.

Now, she only hopes that promise can be good, as long as he is good, she doesn't care about anything, really doesn't care.

Shan Yanyan's mood seemed to be very broken. Seeing her like this, An Nuan felt very uncomfortable.

Helping her to sit on the chair beside her, An Nuan hugged her and gently patted her on the back to comfort her, "It's okay, Yanyan, it's okay. I promise you will get better, don't worry, it will be fine. "

Ever since she was trapped, Shan Yanyan hadn't had a good rest. Her spirit had been tense all the time. Now that she was hugged by An Nuan, she could relax and fell asleep in An Nuan's arms without knowing it.

Hearing Shan Yanyan's breathing gradually calmed down, An Nuan looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep with her eyes closed.

Seeing the blue and black under the corners of her eyes, An Nuan sighed silently.

An Nuan kept Shan Yanyan leaning against her to sleep, and it took about two hours before the door of the emergency room was opened again.

(End of this chapter)

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