You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1692 It is possible that I will never wake up

Chapter 1692 It is possible that I will never wake up

Hearing the door of the emergency room was opened, Shan Yanyan woke up like a conditioned reflex, opened her eyes and looked towards the emergency room.

Before An Nuan could react, Shan Yanyan ran to the doctor who came out.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my husband? Is he all right?"

The doctor glanced at Shan Yanyan, hesitant to speak, and then said: "Mr. Xu's head was severely hit. Although he is out of danger after the operation, but... if Mr. Xu does not wake up within three days If you come, it is very likely that you will not be able to wake up."

"Yanyan!" An Nuan quickly supported the limp Shan Yanyan, "Doctor, how likely is it that he wakes up?"

Shan Yanyan was weak and without any strength. She supported An Nuan and looked at the doctor opposite, "Doctor, I beg you, please save him and let him wake up, please? Doctor, I beg you " Saying that, Shan Yanyan was about to kneel down.

"Yanyan, don't be like this, calm down." An Nuan grabbed Shan Yanyan and said loudly, "Be stronger, promise still needs your care."

Shan Yanyan hugged An Nuan, buried herself in her arms and cried loudly, as if she wanted to cry out all her grievances.

Xu Xu has been in a coma since the operation. According to the doctor's opinion, if Xu Xu fails to wake up within three days, he will become a vegetable.

Shan Yanyan was by Xu Nuo's side, just looking at him like that, not eating or drinking.

Shan Yanyan hadn't rested well in the past two days, and if she continued to do this in the past two days, her body would definitely be overwhelmed.

"Yanyan, I bought porridge back, you should eat some at least."

Shan Yanyan turned her head to look at An Nuan, and shook her head at her, "Nuan Nuan, I can't eat it."

"You have to eat if you can't eat." An Nuan was a little angry. Isn't she making trouble with her body?
"Your body is not made of iron. You haven't eaten properly for a few days? Do you want to torture yourself to death?" The more she spoke, the louder her voice became, she wished she could go up and give her a slap to wake her up.

Shan Yanyan lowered her head and said nothing, but her attitude was obviously negative.

An Nuan has a headache, today is the second day after Xu Nuo's surgery, if Xu Nuo can't wake up tomorrow night...

"Yanyan, we have to believe in promise, and believe that he will wake up. But you can't collapse first, if you collapse before promise wakes up, what will promise do? Also, even if you don't Xu Nuo thinks, but also thinks about Nan Nan." An Nuan looked into Shan Yanyan's eyes and said word by word, "Yanyan, don't let me down."

Shan Yanyan lowered her head, a tear fell on the ground.

Under An Nuan's coaxing, Shan Yanyan finally ate something.

It's just that although she ate, she only ate a little, and she refused to sleep, so she just sat beside Xu Nuo and looked at him.

An Nuan was very worried about Shan Yanyan's situation, but she didn't dare to force her.

On the third day, Xu Nuo still showed no signs of waking up, while Shan Yanyan was almost at the peak of her persistence.

An Nuan was really worried that Shan Yanyan would not be able to hold on, and wanted to force her to sleep.

In the evening, An Nuan bought porridge again.

Seeing Shan Yanyan so weak that she was about to collapse at the touch, An Nuan really couldn't stand it, her heart ached so badly.

But it's already today, and it's even more impossible to let her go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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