You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1758 Arrival

Chapter 1758 Arrival
"Of course I remember." After being told by An Nuan, Qi Qi immediately cheered up again.

She doesn't want to be looked down upon by Mommy, she is Rong Qiqi, the best Qiqi.

In fact, let alone the children, An Nuan and Shan Yanyan were quite uncomfortable on these roads. The main reason was that the road became more and more trembling later on, and the trembling people really felt bad.

If Rong Jing is sitting beside the children instead of the children, An Nuan must be complaining to him.

Sure enough, it was a rural area, no, as soon as An Nuan entered the border of the rural area, An Nuan saw mountains, rivers, rivers and uneven roads.

Of course, there are also classifications in rural areas, and many rural areas are already richer than cities and towns.

But since they came out to experience life, they naturally couldn't go to such a rural area, so this time they chose a real backcountry, where even the transportation is not well developed, and it feels quite isolated from the world.

Finally arrived at the destination, after getting off the car, I looked at the simple brick houses and the farmhouses adjacent to the fields in front of me.

Those children who have never seen the world all feel very fresh.

Qi Qi held An Nuan's hand, looked left and right, and felt miraculous in everything she saw.

"Look, Mommy, scalper." She suddenly called out loudly.

The others looked in the direction Qiqi pointed, and they saw an old scalper slowly plowing the land.

An Nuan hadn't seen such an ancient farming method for a long time, and she didn't expect to use manpower to cultivate the land instead of machines.

The person in charge of this event began to explain the main content of this event to everyone: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me. This time we have registered a total of [-] families, and we have already selected the families for you. , these farmers are your family members for the next two weeks, so you must get along well with them. Of course, in the process of this activity, if there is any family that cannot persist first, you can also bring it up. You can leave. It’s just that you have to find a way to leave on your own, and we are not responsible. But I hope you can persist to the end, after all, this is a very good experience for both children and us adults.”

Then, the person in charge also said a lot of precautions, An Nuan listened carefully, and asked Youyou and Qiqi to calm down and listen to others.

After the other party finished speaking, they began to take everyone to their temporary "home" one by one.

An Nuan didn't know where they would be assigned, and hoped that they would not be too bad.

"What if we are assigned to a thatched cottage?" Several families have already been assigned, and the conditions of the assigned families can't be said to be good, but they can't be said to be bad either.

In this rural area, it's not bad.

On the way, Shan Yanyan saw that several houses lived in thatched huts, and she was so scared that she was always worried that she would be picked by thatched huts.

An Nuan is not worried, "Don't worry, since we are allowed to live, we will definitely choose a place with relatively better conditions for us. After all, we all come from the city. If we really want to live in a bad place, there must be a big gap. Adults won’t talk about it, how can children bear it?”

There is some truth to this statement, and the result is indeed the case. The fifteen families are all allocated to families with bungalows in the countryside.

(End of this chapter)

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