You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1759 Simple Farmer

Chapter 1759 Simple Farmer
One-story houses are already very good for this rural area. After all, it is said that the average annual income of people in this rural area is only around [-] yuan, which is beyond imagination for An Nuan and the others.

How do you live on only a thousand dollars, right?If it was given to them, 1000 yuan would be enough for a meal, how could they live for a year.

The two families An Nuan and Shan Yanyan were assigned to were quite close to each other, the ones opposite the door, and they could hear each other if they yelled loudly.

"Hi, sorry to bother you." An Nuan took Qi Qi and You You to their "home". There is only one woman and an old man in this family. The woman is knitting a sweater. Seeing An Nuan's Time to stand up quickly.

"Hello, you are from the city, right? Come in." The woman looked a little cramped. She was wearing a floral short-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose floral trousers. She looked very rural. people's attire.

So when I saw An Nuan, who was young and beautiful, dressed in fashion, I was a little overwhelmed.

An Nuan smiled at her, "Yes, these are my son and daughter. You, Qi Qi, please call Auntie."

"Hello, Auntie." Youyou and Qiqi greeted the woman politely in unison.

The woman smiled shyly. She liked the children in such a lovely city, but she was too embarrassed to get close to them, for fear that they would dislike her.

"My name is Xiulian, and this is my mother-in-law."

"Hello, Auntie." An Nuan greeted the old man.

The old man looked very kind, probably in his seventies, but he seemed to be in good shape.

The old man smiled and nodded, "Hello, hello."

Children like Youyou and Qiqi are the most loved by the old man, especially these two children have sweet mouths, so after a while, they made the old man like it so much, they took out the snacks that had been hidden for a long time them.

Because they knew in advance that they were coming, the room was already prepared for them.

What An Nuan didn't expect was that the master bedroom was prepared for them by the other party, but they moved into the guest room themselves, which made An Nuan feel very embarrassed.

"Sister Xiulian, it's fine for me to sleep in the guest room with the children, how can I let you move out?" An Nuan felt very sorry and wanted her to change it back.

Xiulian waved her hand and said with a simple smile: "You are welcome, the person who came to tell us gave us money, since we have received the money, of course we want to make your stay more comfortable. This room is the most ventilated room. Well, it’s not easy to get hot.”

When she said that, An Nuan didn't know what to say, so she had to thank her again and again.

It was already evening, Xiulian and her mother-in-law were going to have dinner, and An Nuan planned to take the children to stroll around to familiarize themselves with the surroundings.

After going out, An Nuan saw that Shan Yanyan came out with Nan Nan.

"How about your family? Our family is so polite, they even cleaned up the master bedroom for us to live in, which made me feel so embarrassed." Shan Yanyan said to An Nuan.

It turns out that her family is not the only one who does this, "Mine does too. It seems that rural people are really warm and simple."

"Yes, yes, I don't know where the market is. My family has two children. I think I can buy something for them."

(End of this chapter)

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