Chapter 2224

Nan Nan showed a very surprised expression, an unbelievable look, which made An Nuan laugh so hard that she couldn't straighten her back. As for Shan Yanyan, her face was already darkened.

Shan Yanyan has only been pregnant for more than a month, and she didn't react much. Now it is basically the same as before she was not pregnant, and there are no taboos in terms of food.A few children were playing games in the living room, some were watching TV, while An Nuan was chatting with Shan Yanyan.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" An Nuan asked Shan Yanyan.

Shan Yanyan was eating melon seeds, and said softly, "Of course it's a boy. Only a son and a woman can be consummated, right? And it's always better to have a son. Although the idea of ​​inheriting the family is not so serious now, I know The parents who promised must hope that I can have a son. But it doesn’t matter if it’s a daughter, this is a gift from God.”

Shan Yanyan, a boy and a girl, didn't really care too much, both men and women were her own children.But Shan Yanyan was afraid that the promised mother would criticize her.After all, they also belong to a family with a big business, and they will definitely hope to have a grandson to inherit it.

"I have a hunch that this will be a boy." An Nuan put her hand on Shan Yanyan's stomach and twirled around, "Look at this belly, although it hasn't grown up yet, it feels like a boy to me." boy."

Seeing An Nuan's behavior like a magic stick, Shan Yanyan couldn't do it.

"I don't know when you started to know fortune-telling? But if it's your son, how about recognizing you as a godmother?" Shan Yanyan suggested.

"Whether it's a son or a daughter, you can recognize me as a godmother. I like my daughter more. A daughter is a caring little padded jacket. No matter how old she is, she can talk to her mother. It's so sad when someone else left and didn't put their minds on being a mother at all."

Youyou is like this. He is clearly a son, but he turns out to be even more unreliable than a daughter. As soon as he sees Fu Mingqi, he immediately forgets about everyone else. This is really uncomfortable.

"Of course, I'm a woman myself, so of course I like my daughter more. But liking and needing are different." Shan Yanyan looked at Nan Nan, seeing that she was teasing Zuo Zuo, she couldn't help laughing. "Nan Nan is a very well-behaved and sensible child. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, my relationship with Xu Nuo's mother was not very good a while ago. During that time, she always talked to me about her grandson, and I could hear it all. I'm bored. I know she wants a grandson, but it's not that I don't want to have a baby, do I? I want to have a baby too, but what can I do if I can't get pregnant at first. "

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a difficult problem since ancient times, and this problem must be very difficult to solve.Shan Yanyan and her mother-in-law, that is, Xu Nuo's mother, had a good relationship at first, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was pretty good.But the old man's thinking is always more traditional, and there is nothing wrong with wanting a grandson.

Later, the two of them got a little at odds because of the topic of their grandson.Fortunately, Xu Nuo was still on Shan Yanyan's side, and would often help her speak in front of his mother.

It's all right now, she's finally pregnant, and the promise's mother's attitude towards her has improved a lot immediately.But for Shan Yanyan, she doesn't like such kindness very much.After all, the mother-in-law is not the real mother.

(End of this chapter)

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