You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2225 Sending one away and another one

Chapter 2225

An Nuan really doesn't know this, the relationship between her and Rong's mother is indeed similar to that of a mother and daughter, no matter what happens, Rong's mother will always stand by her side, so she can't understand this kind of discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law a feeling of.

After thinking for a while, An Nuan comforted her and said, "Anyway, you don't live together, so it doesn't matter if you have occasional conflicts. The big deal is that you meet less and contact less. It's okay to go around as relatives during the holidays? And the most important thing is the promise." Standing on your side, as long as your husband is helping you, then there is no problem, right?"

The truth is true. In fact, the key point of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is still on the husband. If the husband speaks for his mother, then neither the relationship between mother-in-law nor daughter-in-law or the relationship between husband and wife can be handled well.

But if the husband helps the wife to reconcile the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, then the family will become more and more harmonious.

Shan Yanyan is an optimist, she didn't want to complain when she said this to An Nuan, she just wanted to talk about it.

"Okay, let's not talk about these trivial topics. By the way, isn't Lingling coming back soon after I'm gone? Then you let her come back to work. She has been on maternity leave for such a long time, and it should be enough Bar?"

Lingling's child has been born, confinement is also done, and she can indeed come back.

An Nuan talked to her a while ago, and Lingling said that she could come to work next month.

"I told her, and she said that she would come back to work next month. You guys are kind enough to ask for leave to give birth to me in turn, right? In a few months, maybe Qianqian will be pregnant and have a baby. It seems In the future, I should recruit more male employees in the store, so that at most they will be given a week of paternity leave, so I don’t have to worry about who will have another child, ask for leave or leave the job.”

Female employees who work in pet shops have to leave once they become pregnant. After all, pregnant women are not allowed to come into contact with small animals.Therefore, it is really worth considering to recruit as many male employees as possible.

"Okay, let's find some more handsome guys, and they should be younger, so that we can improve the single situation of the older unmarried female employees in our store, right? Didn't you hear them calling men every day? If you really want If you are looking for male employees, they will definitely be the most welcome."

In the Annuan store, there are still several Ben San who have been urged to marry by their family and have not yet found a boyfriend, and they are all shouting every day.

An Nuan smiled, "I've become a matchmaker like this, right? Just worrying about their marriage? And once they get married, they have to leave again. Am I shooting myself in the foot?"

The two talked and laughed, occasionally talking about work and sometimes family. Although they used to meet every day, they still had a lot to say this time.

It was almost noon, and they were talking very vigorously. If Nan Nan hadn't come over to say that she was hungry, they might have continued talking.

"Hungry?" Shan Yanyan checked the time and found that it was past eleven o'clock, so she should be hungry. "I've forgotten the time, Zuo Zuo and Qi Qi must be hungry too, right? Wait, Aunt Yanyan will cook something delicious for you."

Shan Yanyan is going to make Roujiamo today, which is something she just learned, when he made it for Xu Nuo the day before yesterday, he said it was delicious, and there was also a piece of skin duck.It's good to change the taste once in a while if you're tired of eating dinner every day.

(End of this chapter)

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