You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2245 How many times a week

Chapter 2245

Besides Zhuang Xiao, An Nuan also invited Shan Yanyan and Hu Bingyue, and the Four Musketeers began to gather again.

Originally, she wanted to go out, but she didn't know where to go. Later, Hu Bingyue suggested to go to her house.

These two days Mo Yan is not here, her two children are also with Mo Yan's parents, she has nothing to do at home alone, since An Nuan proposed, it happens to be able to get together and have fun together.

Hu Bingyue's home is even more luxurious than An Nuan's home. Not only does it have a huge home theater, but it also has KTV private rooms, and even a billiard room and a bar room.

So Hu Bingyue can enjoy everything at home that she enjoys outside almost without going out, she is really a rich woman.

Hu Bingyue's family, An Nuan and others, have all been here before, and of course they are familiar with it this time, especially Shan Yanyan, even though she is pregnant, she still moves quickly, and even wants to drink as soon as she opens her mouth.

"You don't want to die, do you?" Zhuang Xiao took the beer bottle away from Shan Yanyan's hand, rolled his eyes and said, "I really don't know how Xu Nuo can stand you, you are too crazy."

Of course, Shan Yanyan didn't intend to really drink it. This child was hard-won for her, and it was too late for her to protect it. How could she really do something that hurt the child, right?But it's just for show.

It can be crazy for women to party together, and the content of the chat is not taboo.

A group of people had dinner first, and then went to the home theater to watch movies while eating.

The main reason is that there is a pregnant woman, Shan Yanyan, if she plays too crazy, I'm afraid she will follow the crazy and be unable to stop.

Of course, I have to watch movies in the home theater. I don’t know where Zhuang Xiao found it, but he actually found a pornographic movie, and within a few minutes, a large-scale drama began to be staged.

A bunch of married women watching porn, that's enough.

An Nuan didn't know what they were thinking, her face was really red.

"I said, can we change the movie?" An Nuan asked helplessly.

Shouldn't such a movie be watched at home with my husband?To see four women watching it together, no matter how you think about it, it makes people feel confused.

Except for An Nuan, the others were watching with great interest, especially Shan Yanyan, who had her eyes glued to the screen while nibbling melon seeds.

"Why do you want to change?" Zhuang Xiao thinks this movie is pretty good, the key is enough passion. "It's pretty, isn't it? By the way, how many times a week do you usually spend time with your husband?"

The sudden large-scale problem made An Nuan cough uncontrollably, almost coughing up the water she just drank, it was really miserable.

"Are you so excited?" Zhuang Xiao patted her on the back, looked up and said to Hu Bingyue, "Yueyue, you are the host, you answer first."

Hu Bingyue blushed, how could she answer such a question?

Both Hu Bingyue and An Nuan are relatively thin-skinned people, while Shan Yanyan and Zhuang Xiao are a bit veg-friendly.

Shan Yanyan patted Hu Bingyue's shoulder vigorously, and said in a rough voice: "It's not a little girl who doesn't understand human affairs anymore, what are you doing shyly, tell me quickly, are you and your husband having fun every night?"

"Who said?" Hu Bingyue couldn't laugh or cry, this kind of question is really difficult to answer.

Still Zhuang Xiao was domineering, stood up and said directly: "Since I asked the question, let me answer first."

(End of this chapter)

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