You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2246 No Lower Limit

Chapter 2246 No Lower Limit

As a result, the eyes of the other three people all fell on her.

Originally, Zhuang Xiao was quite calm, and thought it would be no big deal to answer this question, but now that they are watching him so unanimously, for some reason, he suddenly feels a little embarrassed, isn't it just a very common adult question?

"I..." Zhuang Xiao just opened his mouth to say a word, and saw their eyes light up by more than one degree.

So, she started to get discouraged, should she be allowed to talk after all?
"Twice for me." After speaking, he sat down.

The frequency of twice a week is still normal, not too much, not too little, just right.

Zhuang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief after finishing speaking, well, her main task now is to force the other three out.

"Hurry up, hurry up and tell me how many times you are."

There is no way, since someone has already started, the rest of course can't hide.

Hu Bingyue whispered: "Three times."

This is the average data, three times more than Zhuang Xiao.

Shan Yanyan patted her chest and said, "I'm pregnant, not once now." Very well, she is pregnant, so she can avoid this problem.

But how could they let her hide, right?So they asked her how many times she was pregnant before.

"We have been planning to have children during that time, so we have a little more times, um, maybe three or four times on average."

Now, only An Nuan was left.

An Nuan didn't know what to say, because she seemed to be with Rong Jing a little too often, even if it wasn't every night, it was almost the same.

It seems that it would be very embarrassing to say this, so she could only hesitate and say: "I may have a little more than you, but it's about the same, about the same."

Seeing An Nuan's expression, they knew that these two people must be more lecherous than them.

"It's almost the same, isn't it very different?" Zhuang Xiao teased, "Are you embarrassed to tell us, because you are afraid that we will envy you if you have too many times? Don't worry, we will not envy you. You have the courage to say it."

"Who's afraid that you are envious, I forgot, I don't know." An Nuan hugged the pillow in her arms and shook her head frantically.She won't say it, it's too embarrassing.

The number of times she and Rong Jing are indeed too many, even sometimes during the day, the two of them would talk about it, but somehow they ended up going to bed, it makes people blush to think about it.

They didn't continue to question her, Zhuang Xiaoyu said to her earnestly: "Nuan Nuan, this excessive indulgence is absolutely unacceptable, otherwise it will hurt your health. Although your husband is now strong and can satisfy you every day, but If you use too much force now, maybe you will be alone in the empty boudoir in a few years."

After saying this, An Nuan pinched her cheek. "What are you talking about? Are we all in moderation?"

"Yes, yes, you are restrained, you are restrained." Zhuang Xiao touched his face after escaping from An Nuan's clutches, "Are you too ruthless? My face is very precious, okay?"

Now that the topic has gone in an unpredictable direction, what I said next became even more exciting, and even discussed what kind of posture to use to climax more easily. There is really no lower limit.

(End of this chapter)

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